DS Catalog:SPARQL Query Service/example queries: Difference between revisions

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====Named Entity (Person or Organization)====
====Named Entity (Person or Organization)====
This example identifies manuscripts associated with various personal and corporate named entities, including their roles in manuscript production and trade: Lawrence Schoenberg, Catholic Church, Masters of the Gold Scrolls, Ali Qushji, and Ananda Coomaraswamy.
This example identifies manuscripts associated with various personal and corporate named entities, including their roles in manuscript production and trade.
<syntaxhighlight lang="SPARQL">
<syntaxhighlight lang="SPARQL">
# prefixes
# prefixes

Revision as of 19:47, 31 May 2024

Using the SPARQL Query Service for the DS Catalog

This page provides basic example queries for exploring the DS Wikibase using SPARQL, a query language designed for RDF-encoded linked datasets. Familiarity with the properties used in the DS Data Model is helpful for understanding how the queries operate, but the queries also contain comments (noted by the use of hash character "#") to direct users to the individual steps taken to better understand how the query is constructed to derive a solution.

Manuscripts and DS Records

In redeveloping the DS data model, the project team made an explicit choice to differentiate between the metadata description (the DS Record) and the manuscript object (Manuscript). Although separate, the data model links the DS Record to the Manuscript, such that a DS Record contains data about the manuscript object from institutional records that provide metadata about the object itself.

The decision to separate but link metadata descriptions from their manuscript objects was purposeful so as not to make any direct claims or assertions about the manuscript object other than its existence (which happens through assignment of a unique persistent identifier: the DS ID). In this way, the DS Record is conceptualized as a document which makes statements about a manuscript object which are not inherent to the manuscript object itself and can be revised at any time. Although the DS data model is designed to have only one DS Record linked to a Manuscript, this conceptualization of descriptive documents as separate from described objects potentially allows many different (and potentially competing) descriptions to be linked to the same object simultaneously.

Because of this data structure, unlike traditional library catalogs or search interfaces (like the one for the DS Catalog), users may find that SPARQL queries seem at first circuitous in comparison to other search and retrieval systems. This is because graphs databases like the DS Wikibase are queried on the basis of pattern matching for particular entities (items) and relationships between entities. A machine rapidly traverses the graph finding patterns that match the path indicated by the query. For purposes of querying DS data, that means that seemingly disparate elements of DS Records, Manuscripts, and even Holding Information (i.e., information about and assigned by the institution that owns and/or contributes data about a manuscript object) may all need to be invoked as part of a constructed queried in order to get solutions to seemingly simple questions (such as which institutions own items with texts authored by Avicenna). Taking some time to understand the items, properties, and linking structures in the DS data model and its substantiation in the DS Wikibase will help to elucidate how queries of this nature can be constructed.

To help users better understand how queries are constructed, the example queries found below provide comments (which are proceeded by # tags) to explain how clauses and asserted triple patterns function in the context of a query. We hope that working through some of these examples will allow users to construct their own more complex queries as they learn more about how the DS data model operates in concert with their research questions.

Prefix Declarations

Why are they used?

Prefix declarations made at the beginning of a SPARQL query tell you which namespaces (ontologies, data models, or other specifications) will be used by the query to construct its triples. Rather than having to write out a long URI every time an entity is referenced, by declaring prefixes, you can shorthand the URIs used later in the query.

For instance, by declaring the following prefixes at the beginning of the query,

PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>

instead of having to type out

<https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/Q88> <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/P16> <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/Q13> .

after declaring prefixes, you can type out

wd:Q88 wdt:P16 wd:Q13 .

As you can see, the Q and P values are appended to the end of the base URIs, so that you only need to know the prefix (e.g., wd, wdt) and the appropriate Q or P number to construct the triple pattern you want to use. This makes SPARQL queries much more readable and editable by human beings.

Which prefix declarations will I need to use to query the DS Wikibase?

The following prefix declarations should be at the beginning of any SPARQL query made at the DS Wikibase Query Service endpoint.

PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

Basic Example Queries

Below is a taxonomy of two types of basic queries based on whether the records in the DS Catalog are described by a particular data element in general (e.g., have any author, any assigned genre, or any place of production) or whether the records meet certain criteria (e.g., were produced by a specific author, were assigned a specific genre, or identified as produced in a particular place). The following queries were originally developed by L.P. Coladangelo (DS Catalog and Data Manager) for prototype testing, and adapted by LEADING Fellows Mace Jones and Jade Snelling as part of their fellowship research.

Manuscripts and their DS records by general data type

These queries will return lists of manuscript records and the associated data values for a general data type (authors, languages, genres, subjects, etc.). Data returned includes both the string value as recorded in the original catalog record (the as_recorded value) and the authority value from a Linked Open Vocabulary to which the as_recorded value has been linked (the authority value). Please note that the following queries have been limited to 10000 results so as not to timeout or break the Query Service.

Find DS records describing manuscripts by their...


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with artists recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?artists) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: associated name has role of artist
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole wd:Q19 .
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
  ?name ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with authors recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?authors) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: associated name has role of author
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole wd:Q18 .
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
  ?name ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Centuries of Production

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records by century of production (if dates are recorded)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?dateString (GROUP_CONCAT(?centuryLabel;separator="|") as ?centuries) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P23 AS ?dateAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P23 AS ?dateAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P24 AS ?hasCentury).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for date of production
  ?record ?dateAsRecordedStatement ?dateStatement .
# statement: date statement has date object recorded as string value
  ?dateStatement ?dateAsRecorded ?dateString .
# statement: date statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?dateStatement ?hasCentury ?century .
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?century ?hasExternalID ?externalID .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?century rdfs:label ?centuryLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?dateString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Dates of Production

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records by dates of production as well as records without date information
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel
(GROUP_CONCAT(?dateString;separator="|") as ?datesAsRecorded)
(GROUP_CONCAT(?earliestDateYear;separator="|") as ?earliestDates)
(GROUP_CONCAT(?latestDateYear;separator="|") as ?latestDates)

# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P23 AS ?dateAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P23 AS ?dateAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P37 AS ?hasEarliestDate).
  BIND(pq:P36 AS ?hasLatestDate).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalID).

# manuscript record is instance of DS record
  ?record wdt:P16 wd:Q3 .
# statement: manuscript record has statement for date of production
  ?record ?dateAsRecordedStatement ?dateStatement .
# statement: date statement has date object recorded as string value
  ?dateStatement ?dateAsRecorded ?dateString .
# statement: date statement has qualifier for earliest date
  ?dateStatement ?hasEarliestDate ?earliestDateValue .
# statement: date statement has qualifier for latest date
  ?dateStatement ?hasLatestDate ?latestDateValue .
# render date values as years
  BIND(year(?earliestDateValue) AS ?earliestDateYear)
  BIND(year(?latestDateValue) AS ?latestDateYear)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Dated status

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with dated or non-dated status
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?dateString ?datedStatusLabel
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P23 AS ?dateAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P23 AS ?dateAsRecorded).
  BIND(wdt:P26 AS ?hasDatedStatus).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for date of production
  ?record ?dateAsRecordedStatement ?dateStatement .
# statement: date statement has date object recorded as string value
  ?dateStatement ?dateAsRecorded ?dateString .
# statement: date statement has qualifier for earliest date
  ?record ?hasDatedStatus ?datedStatus .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Former Owners

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with former owners recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?formerOwners) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: associated name has role of former owner
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole wd:Q21 .
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
  ?name ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with genre terms
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?genreString (GROUP_CONCAT(?termLabel;separator="|") as ?terms) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P18 AS ?genreAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P18 AS ?genreAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P20 AS ?hasTerm).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalURI).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for genre
  ?record ?genreAsRecordedStatement ?genreStatement .
# statement: genre statement has genre object recorded as string value
  ?genreStatement ?genreAsRecorded ?genreString .
# statement: genre statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?genreStatement ?hasTerm ?term .
  ?term ?hasExternalURI ?externalID .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?term rdfs:label ?termLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?genreString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Holding Institutions

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with holding institution information
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?holdingInstitutionLabel ?shelfmark ?link
# bind query variables
  BIND(wdt:P3 AS ?describes).
  BIND(wdt:P2 AS ?hasHoldingInformation).
  BIND(p:P5 AS ?holdingInstitutionAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P4 AS ?hasHoldingInstitution).
  BIND(wdt:P8 AS ?hasShelfmark).
  BIND(wdt:P9 AS ?hasLink).

# statement: manuscript record describes manuscript object
  ?record ?describes ?manuscript .
# statement: manuscript object has holding information
  ?manuscript ?hasHoldingInformation ?holdingInformation .
# statement: holding information has statement for holding institution
  ?holdingInformation ?holdingInstitutionAsRecordedStatement ?holdingInstitutionStatement .
# statement: holding institution statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?holdingInstitutionStatement ?hasHoldingInstitution ?holdingInstitution .
# statement: holding information has shelfmark
  ?holdingInformation ?hasShelfmark ?shelfmark .
# statement: holding information may have link to online catalog record
    ?holdingInformation ?hasLink ?link .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with languages recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?languageString (GROUP_CONCAT(?languageLabel;separator="|") as ?languages) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P21 AS ?languageAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P21 AS ?languageAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P22 AS ?hasLanguage).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for language
  ?record ?languageAsRecordedStatement ?languageStatement .
# statement: language statement has language object recorded as string value
  ?languageStatement ?languageAsRecorded ?languageString .
# statement: language statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?languageStatement ?hasLanguage ?language .
  ?language ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?languageString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with materials description
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?materialString (GROUP_CONCAT(?materialLabel;separator="|") as ?materials) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P30 AS ?materialAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P30 AS ?materialAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P31 AS ?hasMaterial).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalURI).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for material
  ?record ?materialAsRecordedStatement ?materialStatement .
# statement: material statement has material object recorded as string value
  ?materialStatement ?materialAsRecorded ?materialString .
# statement: material statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?materialStatement ?hasMaterial ?material .
  ?material ?hasExternalURI ?externalID .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?material rdfs:label ?materialLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?materialString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Other associated names/agents

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with associated agents recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?associatedAgents) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: associated name has role of associated agent
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole wd:Q1284 .
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
  ?name ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Places of Production

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with place of production recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?placeString (GROUP_CONCAT(?placeLabel;separator="|") as ?places) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P27 AS ?placeAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P27 AS ?placeAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P28 AS ?hasPlace).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for place of production
  ?record ?placeAsRecordedStatement ?placeStatement .
# statement: place statement has place object recorded as string value
  ?placeStatement ?placeAsRecorded ?placeString .
# statement: place statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?placeStatement ?hasPlace ?place .
  ?place ?hasExternalID ?externalID .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?place rdfs:label ?placeLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?placeString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with scribes recorded
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?scribes) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(wdt:P42 AS ?hasWikidataQID).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: associated name has role of scribe
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole wd:Q20.
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
  ?name ?hasWikidataQID ?QID .
# render QIDs as URLs
  BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with subject terms
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?subjectString (GROUP_CONCAT(?termLabel;separator="|") as ?terms) (GROUP_CONCAT(?externalID;separator="|") as ?externalIDs)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P19 AS ?subjectAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P19 AS ?subjectAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P20 AS ?hasTerm).
  BIND(wdt:P44 AS ?hasExternalURI).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for subject
  ?record ?subjectAsRecordedStatement ?subjectStatement .
# statement: subject statement has subject object recorded as string value
  ?subjectStatement ?subjectAsRecorded ?subjectString .
# statement: subject statement may have qualifier for structured/authority value
# statement: authority value is represented by URI in external controlled vocabulary
  ?subjectStatement ?hasTerm ?term .
  ?term ?hasExternalURI ?externalID .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?term rdfs:label ?termLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?subjectString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records with title information
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?titleString ?uniformTitleString (GROUP_CONCAT(?standardTitleLabel;separator="|") as ?standardTitles)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P10 AS ?titleAsRecordedStatement)
  BIND(ps:P10 AS ?titleAsRecorded).
  BIND(wdt:P12 AS ?uniformTitleAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P11 AS ?hasStandardTitle).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for title
  ?record ?titleAsRecordedStatement ?titleStatement .
# statement: title statement has title object recorded as string value
  ?titleStatement ?titleAsRecorded ?titleString .
# statement: manuscript record may have statement for uniform title
  OPTIONAL { ?record ?uniformTitleAsRecorded ?uniformTitleString . }
# statement: title statement may have qualifier for standard title value
  OPTIONAL { ?titleStatement ?hasStandardTitle ?standardTitle . }

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?standardTitle rdfs:label ?standardTitleLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?titleString ?uniformTitleString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel
LIMIT 10000

Try it here.

Manuscripts and their DS records by specific data value

These queries will return lists of manuscript records based on or limited by a specific value from an associated DS authority record, including both the string value as recorded in the original catalog record (the as_recorded value) and the authority value from a Linked Open Vocabulary to which the as_recorded value has been linked (the authority value). You should expect to see a list of all records and manuscripts in the DS Catalog which meet the conditions of having a specific value for the below data types.

Find all DS records describing manuscripts by a specific...

Century of Production

This example identifies manuscripts produced in the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts produced in a given century or centuries
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?dateString (GROUP_CONCAT(?centuryLabel;separator="|") as ?centuries)
# set variable value for century or centuries to be queried
  VALUES ?century { wd:Q95 wd:Q96 } # thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P23 AS ?dateAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P23 AS ?dateAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P24 AS ?hasCentury).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for date of production
  ?record ?dateAsRecordedStatement ?dateStatement .
# statement: date statement has date object recorded as string value
  ?dateStatement ?dateAsRecorded ?dateString .
# statement: date statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?dateStatement ?hasCentury ?century .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?century rdfs:label ?centuryLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?dateString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.

Date of Production

  • Start date
  • End date
  • Date range
    • Inside date range
    • Outside date range

Dated status

  • Dated
  • Non-dated


This example identifies manuscripts which are described as translations.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts assigned particular genre term(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?genreString (GROUP_CONCAT(?termLabel;separator="|") as ?genres)
# set variable value for genre or genres to be queried
  VALUES ?term { wd:Q155 } # translations (documents)
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P18 AS ?genreAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P18 AS ?genreAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P20 AS ?hasTerm).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for genre
  ?record ?genreAsRecordedStatement ?genreStatement .
# statement: genre statement has genre object recorded as string value
  ?genreStatement ?genreAsRecorded ?genreString .
# statement: genre statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?genreStatement ?hasTerm ?term .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?term rdfs:label ?termLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?genreString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.

Holding Institution

This example identifies manuscripts held by public libraries currently in the DS Catalog.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records held by particular institution(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?holdingInstitutionLabel ?shelfmark ?link
# set variable value for institution or institutions to be queried
VALUES ?holdingInstitution { wd:Q801 wd:Q16442 wd:Q18629 } # Providence Public Library, Boston Public Library, Free Library of Philadelphia
# bind query variables
  BIND(wdt:P3 AS ?describes).
  BIND(wdt:P2 AS ?hasHoldingInformation).
  BIND(p:P5 AS ?holdingInstitutionAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(pq:P4 AS ?hasHoldingInstitution).
  BIND(wdt:P8 AS ?hasShelfmark).
  BIND(wdt:P9 AS ?hasLink).

# statement: manuscript record describes manuscript object
  ?record ?describes ?manuscript .
# statement: manuscript object has holding information
  ?manuscript ?hasHoldingInformation ?holdingInformation .
# statement: holding information has statement for holding institution
  ?holdingInformation ?holdingInstitutionAsRecordedStatement ?holdingInstitutionStatement .
# statement: holding institution statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?holdingInstitutionStatement ?hasHoldingInstitution ?holdingInstitution .
# statement: holding information has shelfmark
  ?holdingInformation ?hasShelfmark ?shelfmark .
# statement: holding information may have link to online catalog record
    ?holdingInformation ?hasLink ?link .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
ORDER BY ?holdingInstitutionLabel ?recordLabel

Try it here.


This example identifies manuscripts which contain Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language content.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts in particular language(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?languageString (GROUP_CONCAT(?languageLabel;separator="|") as ?languages)
# set variable value for language or languages to be queried
  VALUES ?language { wd:Q12711 wd:Q12712 wd:Q12715 } # Japanese, Korean, and Chinese
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P21 AS ?languageAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P21 AS ?languageAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P22 AS ?hasLanguage).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for language
  ?record ?languageAsRecordedStatement ?languageStatement .
# statement: language statement has language object recorded as string value
  ?languageStatement ?languageAsRecorded ?languageString .
# statement: language statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?languageStatement ?hasLanguage ?language .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?languageString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.


This example identifies manuscripts which are made of palm leaf.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records described as being made of particular material(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?materialString (GROUP_CONCAT(?materialLabel;separator="|") as ?materials)
# set variable value for material or materials to be queried
VALUES ?material { wd:Q30 } # palm leaf material
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P30 AS ?materialAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P30 AS ?materialAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P31 AS ?hasMaterial).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for material
  ?record ?materialAsRecordedStatement ?materialStatement .
# statement: material statement has material object recorded as string value
  ?materialStatement ?materialAsRecorded ?materialString .
# statement: material statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?materialStatement ?hasMaterial ?material .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?material rdfs:label ?materialLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?materialString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.

Named Entity (Person or Organization)

This example identifies manuscripts associated with various personal and corporate named entities, including their roles in manuscript production and trade.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts associated with particular name(s) (personal or corporate entity or entities)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString (GROUP_CONCAT(?nameLabel;separator="|") as ?names) ?typeLabel ?roleLabel
VALUES ?name { wd:Q383 wd:Q425 wd:Q1488 wd:Q3203 wd:Q28158 } # Lawrence Schoenberg, Catholic Church, Masters of the Gold Scrolls, Ali Qushji, Ananda Coomaraswamy
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P14 AS ?nameAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P14 AS ?nameAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P17 AS ?hasName).
  BIND(pq:P15 AS ?hasRole).
  BIND(wdt:P16 AS ?hasType).
# statement: manuscript record has statement for associated name
  ?record ?nameAsRecordedStatement ?nameStatement .
# statement: name statement has name object recorded as string value
  ?nameStatement ?nameAsRecorded ?nameString .
# statement: name statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?nameStatement ?hasName ?name .
# statement: associated name has role
  ?nameStatement ?hasRole ?role .
# statement: authority value has type (Personal or Corporate)
  ?name ?hasType ?type .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?name rdfs:label ?nameLabel .
    ?role rdfs:label ?roleLabel .
    ?type rdfs:label ?typeLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?nameString ?roleLabel ?typeLabel
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.

Place of Production

This example identifies manuscripts produced in Egypt or Cairo.

A note on place queries: the DS authorities are not hierarchical, so this query only identifies manuscripts specifically described as being produced in Egypt or in Cairo, and not other places in Egypt, such as other cities or other geographic areas contained within Egypt. To find manuscripts produced in those specific locations, the query would have to include each of those specific values.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts produced in particular place(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?placeString (GROUP_CONCAT(?placeLabel;separator="|") as ?places)
# set variable value for place or places to be queried
VALUES ?place { wd:Q3086 wd:Q3093 }
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P27 AS ?placeAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P27 AS ?placeAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P28 AS ?hasPlace).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for place of production
  ?record ?placeAsRecordedStatement ?placeStatement .
# statement: place statement has place object recorded as string value
  ?placeStatement ?placeAsRecorded ?placeString .
# statement: place statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?placeStatement ?hasPlace ?place .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?place rdfs:label ?placeLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?placeString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.


This example identifies manuscripts described as being about Arab astronomy.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find manuscript records for manuscripts assigned particular subject(s)
SELECT ?record ?recordLabel ?subjectString (GROUP_CONCAT(?termLabel;separator="|") as ?subjects)
# set variable value for subject or subjects to be queried
VALUES ?term { wd:Q3035 } # Astronomy, Arab
# bind query variables
  BIND(p:P19 AS ?subjectAsRecordedStatement).
  BIND(ps:P19 AS ?subjectAsRecorded).
  BIND(pq:P20 AS ?hasTerm).

# statement: manuscript record has statement for subject
  ?record ?subjectAsRecordedStatement ?subjectStatement .
# statement: subject statement has subject object recorded as string value
  ?subjectStatement ?subjectAsRecorded ?subjectString .
# statement: subject statement has qualifier for structured/authority value
  ?subjectStatement ?hasTerm ?term .

# return English language labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?record rdfs:label ?recordLabel .
    ?term rdfs:label ?termLabel .
GROUP BY ?record ?recordLabel ?subjectString
ORDER BY ?recordLabel

Try it here.


User generated examples


Technical Queries

Authority Record Generator

These queries generate lists of authority records in the Wikibase by authority value type (i.e., all items which are an instance of a particular Authority Type).


# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT ?authorityValue ?authorityValueLabel ?authorityTypeLabel ?externalID


BIND (wd:Q12 as ?authorityType) # language authority

?authorityValue wdt:P16 ?authorityType .
    # find authority records by authority type specified above
OPTIONAL { ?authorityValue wdt:P42 ?QID . }
    # find Wikidata QIDs matched to authority value

BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)
    # render QIDs as URLs
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
ORDER BY ASC (?authorityValueLabel)

Materials, Places, Terms (Genres and Subjects)

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT ?authorityValue ?authorityValueLabel ?authorityTypeLabel ?externalID


# specify authority values to be generated by type by uncommenting

#BIND (wd:Q16 as ?authorityType) # place authority
#BIND (wd:Q17 as ?authorityType) # material authority
#BIND (wd:Q11 as ?authorityType) # term authority (genre and subject terms)

?authorityValue wdt:P16 ?authorityType .
    # find authority records by authority type specified above
OPTIONAL { ?authorityValue wdt:P44 ?externalID . }
    # find external IDs matched to authority value
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
ORDER BY ASC (?authorityValueLabel)

Personal Names and Corporate Names

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT ?authorityValue ?authorityValueLabel ?authorityTypeLabel ?DSID ?externalID


# specify authority values to be generated by type by uncommenting

#BIND (wd:Q8 as ?authorityType) # personal name authority
#BIND (wd:Q9 as ?authorityType) # corporate name authority

?authorityValue wdt:P16 ?authorityType .
    # find authority records by authority type specified above
OPTIONAL { ?authorityValue wdt:P42 ?QID . }
    # find Wikidata QIDs matched to authority value
OPTIONAL { ?authorityValue wdt:P1 ?DSID . }
    # return DSID for names
BIND(CONCAT("https://wikidata.org/entity/",?QID) AS ?externalID)
    # render QIDs as URLs
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
ORDER BY ASC (?authorityValueLabel)

Standard Titles

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT ?authorityValue ?authorityValueLabel ?authorityTypeLabel ?DSID ?externalID


BIND (wd:Q6 as ?authorityType) # standard title authority

?authorityValue wdt:P16 ?authorityType .
    # find authority records by authority type specified above
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
ORDER BY ASC (?authorityValueLabel)

Dated Classification Generator

This query generates a list of manuscript items which have and have not be classified as dated. Classified items will either be dated or non-dated. Items without a classification are pending more information.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

# find holding and dated information for manuscripts with DS records
(GROUP_CONCAT(?dateRecorded;separator="|") as ?datesAsRecorded)

# statement: record is an instance of a DS record
  ?record wdt:P16 wd:Q3 .
# statements: record may have a date recorded and may have a dated status
  OPTIONAL { ?record wdt:P23 ?dateRecorded }
  OPTIONAL { ?record wdt:P26 ?datedStatus }
# statement: record describes manuscript object
  ?record wdt:P3 ?ms .
# statement: manuscript object has holding information
  ?ms wdt:P2 ?holding .
# statement: holding information may have link to online institutional record
  OPTIONAL { ?holding wdt:P9 ?link }

# return English language labels
SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
GROUP BY ?record ?holdingLabel ?link ?recordLabel ?datedStatusLabel
ORDER BY DESC (?datedStatusLabel)

Receipt Generator

This query generates a list of DS Wikibase items which shows successful ingest of DS Records, creation of Manuscript items / DS IDs, and assignment of Holding information for an institution, to serve as a receipt for data contributions made to the DS Catalog.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

  # Variables for holding values used in the construction of the receipt
  (?holderName as ?holding_institution) 
  (?holder as ?ds_holding_inst_url)
  (?dsid as ?ds_id)
  (?manuscript as ?ds_manuscript_url)
  (?shelfmark as ?holding_inst_shelfmark)
  (?institutionalID as ?holding_inst_id)
  (?linkToRecord as ?holding_inst_link)
  (?iiifManifest as ?iiif_manifest)
  (?holdingLabel as ?ds_holding)
  (?holding as ?ds_holding_info_url)
  (?dateAdded as ?date_added_to_ds) 
  (?ds20RecordLabel as ?ds_record)
  (?ds20Record as ?ds_record_url)
  (?lastUpdated as ?ds_record_last_updated)

  # Specify a holding institution (remove comment tag)
#  BIND (wd:Q28019 as ?holder) # burke - Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary 
#  BIND (wd:Q16442 as ?holder) # bpl - Boston Public Library
#  BIND (wd:Q27887 as ?holder) # columbia - Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library
#  BIND (wd:Q667 as ?holder) # conception - Conception Abbey
#  BIND (wd:Q825 as ?holder) # csl - State of Calfornia Library
#  BIND (wd:Q858 as ?holder) # cuny - City College of New York
#  BIND (wd:Q18629 as ?holder) # flp - Free Library of Philadelphia
#  BIND (wd:Q868 as ?holder) # grolier - Grolier Club
#  BIND (wd:Q1487 as ?holder) # gts - General Theological Seminary
#  BIND (wd:Q17632 as ?holder) # hrc - Harry Ransom Center
#  BIND (wd:Qxxxxx as ?holder) # huntington - The Huntington
#  BIND (wd:Q1521 as ?holder) # indiana - Indiana University
#  BIND (wd:Q6060 as ?holder) # kansas - University of Kansas
#  BIND (wd:Q1123 as ?holder) # nelsonatkins - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
#  BIND (wd:Q1914 as ?holder) # nyu - New York University
#  BIND (wd:Q10856 as ?holder) # oregon - University of Oregon
#  BIND (wd:Q374 as ?holder) # penn - University of Pennsylvania
#  BIND (wd:Q12264 as ?holder) # princeton - Princeton University
#  BIND (wd:Q801 as ?holder) # providence - Providence Public Library
#  BIND (wd:Q1101 as ?holder) # rome - American Academy in Rome
#  BIND (wd:Q1936 as ?holder) # rutgers - Rutgers University
#  BIND (wd:Q27854 as ?holder) # shi - Science History Institute
#  BIND (wd:Q1247 as ?holder) # smith - Smith College
#  BIND (wd:Q27869 as ?holder) # wmu - Western Michigan University
  # holding and holding properties
  BIND ( wd:Q2 as ?holdingType )
  BIND ( wdt:P16 as ?instanceOf )
  BIND ( wdt:P2 as ?hasHolding )
  BIND ( pq:P4 as ?qualifierHoldingInstInAuthFile )
  BIND ( p:P5 as ?holdingInstitutionAsRecStmt )
  BIND ( ps:P5 as ?holdingInstAsRecValue )
  BIND ( wdt:P7 as ?hasInstID )
  BIND ( wdt:P8 as ?hasShelfmark )
  BIND ( wdt:P9 as ?hasLinkToInstRecord )
  BIND ( wdt:P38 as ?hasHoldingAddedDate )
  BIND ( wdt:P39 as ?hasHoldingEndDate )
  # manuscript properties
  BIND ( wdt:P1 as ?hasDSID )
  # DS 2.0 Record properties
  BIND ( wdt:P3 as ?describesManuscript )
  BIND ( wdt:P35 as ?hasDateLastUpdated )
  BIND ( wdt:P41 as ?hasIIIFManifest )

  # holding information
  ?holding ?instanceOf ?holdingType ;
           ?holdingInstitutionAsRecStmt ?holdingInstStatement ;
           ?hasHoldingAddedDate ?dateAdded .
  OPTIONAL { ?holding ?hasInstID ?institutionalID }
  OPTIONAL { ?holding ?hasShelfmark ?shelfmark }
  OPTIONAL { ?holding ?hasLinkToInstRecord ?linkToRecord }

  ?holdingInstStatement ?qualifierHoldingInstInAuthFie ?holder .
  ?holder rdfs:label ?holderName .
  # finding linked manuscript objects to holding information patterns above
  ?manuscript ?hasHolding ?holding ;
              ?hasDSID ?dsid .
  ?holding rdfs:label ?holdingLabel .
  # finding linked DS records to manuscript object patterns above
  ?ds20Record ?describesManuscript ?manuscript ;
              ?hasDateLastUpdated ?lastUpdated ;
              rdfs:label ?ds20RecordLabel .

  # filter results by a period of time when records were last updated
  FILTER ((?lastUpdated > "2023-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?lastUpdated < "2024-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime)).
  # display IIIF manifest URLs if present
  OPTIONAL { ?ds20Record ?hasIIIFManifest ?iiifManifest }

  # get alphanumerical IDs from Wikibase URIs
  BIND (STRDT(REPLACE(STR(?holder), "http.+/entity/", ""), xsd:integer) as ?holderQID)
  BIND (STRDT(REPLACE(STR(?holding), "http.+/entity/", ""), xsd:integer) as ?holdingQID)
  BIND (STRDT(REPLACE(STR(?manuscript), "http.+/entity/", ""), xsd:integer) as ?manuscriptQID) 
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
} ORDER BY DESC(?lastUpdated) ASC(?shelfmark)
  # sort results by date updated in Wikibase and then by shelfmark

Statement Count Generator

This query generates a count of the number of statements (triples) in the DS Wikibase matching a particular pattern.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT (COUNT(?string) AS ?stringCount)
  # declared variable that will be counted and passed to another variable to display as a number

  ?stringStatement ps:P10 ?string .
    # use "as recorded" property P-value for the data you want to count
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
GROUP BY (?stringCount)
  # this sorts the results by number, and is necessary for COUNT clauses

Unenriched Strings Generator

This query generates a list of string values of a particular type of as recorded data occurring in a DS Record which have not be qualified by an authority value (i.e., reconciled to its linked data equivalent in a Linked Open Vocabulary or Authority). This example uses properties for name data, but any authority enriched data can be queried using a similar query structure.

# prefixes
PREFIX wd: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX p: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/>
PREFIX ps: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <https://catalog.digital-scriptorium.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

  # find values for the following declared variables matching the below WHERE pattern
  # a link to a DS record
  # the name/label of the DS record
  # the string value as recorded in the original catalog record
  # a link to the authority record to which the string value has been reconciled
  # a label for the the authority record in the DS database
  # where applicable, a label for role information (un-comment roleLabel variable when querying name data to get role information)

  # the patterns or conditions that need to be met to return values for the above variables
    ?record p:P14 ?stringStatement .
	  # identifies records with statements with corresponding property (change P-value for as recorded value to be queried)
    ?stringStatement ps:P14 ?string .
	  # identifies statements that have strings with corresponding property (change P-value for as recorded value to be queried)
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?stringStatement pq:P17 ?authority . }
	  # identifies those statements which have not been enriched with authority values (change P-value for authority file value to be queried)
    #OPTIONAL { ?stringStatement pq:P15 ?role . }
	  # only used for name data, un-comment optional clause when querying name data
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
      # allows English language labels to be returned for Wikibase items
ORDER BY ASC (?string)
	# this sorts the results alphabetically by as recorded string values