Pages that link to "Item:Q109"
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The following pages link to English (Q109):
Displayed 50 items.
- Crosse his covert; or a prosopopoeicall treatise (DS10442) (Q45428) (← links)
- Here folowythe dyvers good carters wythe fygure of the compas and the shyfte of the sone and moone (DS10528) (Q45686) (← links)
- Solemnity of the marriage of King James and Margaret, daughter of Henry VII, and their departing out of the kingdom (DS10530) (Q45692) (← links)
- A true translation into Englishe of the Litle Office of the blessed Virgine Mary, for the encrease of theire Devotion which understande not the Latine tongue (DS10603) (Q45911) (← links)
- A breviatt concerning the memorable states and conditions of the Queenes Majesties honorable courts of records; kept in and about the Cittys of London and Westm[inster (DS10609) (Q45929) (← links)
- The newe cronycles of Englande and of Fraunce (DS10611) (Q45935) (← links)
- Here bigyniÞ Þi p[ro]log on Þi sauter (DS10748) (Q46346) (← links)
- A dialog or conference betwixt the father & childe; trying & sounding the necessitie, utilitie, use and end of afflictions (DS10826) (Q46580) (← links)
- The statuts and ordynicys of the most noble ordre of saynte George named the gartier (DS10851) (Q46655) (← links)
- A booke of verses made by Sr John Harrington, Knight who dwelt at Bathe (DS10864) (Q46694) (← links)
- A treatise concerninge the maintenance of the Nauye (DS10868) (Q46706) (← links)
- A learned dialogue of Bernard Palessy concerning waters and fountaines both naturall and artificiall; translated out of French into English / by Thomas Watson (DS10869) (Q46709) (← links)
- The opinion of ye L. Gray, Sr Francis Knowles, Sr John Norris, Sr Rich. Bingham, Sr Roger Willms and others, what places were most meete to be done to make head against him with theire answere to... (DS10870) (Q46712) (← links)
- The life of Master Thomas Wolsey; Archbishoppe of Yorke and Cardinall / written by George Cavendish his gentleman usher (DS10913) (Q46841) (← links)
- The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore knight, sometimes Lord Chancellour of Englande (DS10914) (Q46844) (← links)
- A l[et]tre from a Flemish m[er]chant in England to Don Diego de Mondragon, a Spanish gent; contayning brieflie that which passed betwene the Spanish and English army since the 29 of Julie 1588 (DS10916) (Q46850) (← links)
- A treatice concerninge the nauie of England; written in anno 1570 by John Mountgomery with an addicion therto made by the said author in an.o 1589 (DS10926) (Q46880) (← links)
- A choice of emblemes (DS10927) (Q46883) (← links)
- Complaints; containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie : whereof the next page maketh mention / by Ed. Sp. (DS10928) (Q46886) (← links)
- A dutifull defence of the lawfull regiment of weomen; devided into three bookes ; the first conteyneth reasons and examples grownded on the lawe of nature ; the second reasons and examples... (DS10944) (Q46934) (← links)
- Ordinary of arms (DS10953) (Q46961) (← links)
- A caveat for the quene (DS10980) (Q47042) (← links)
- Rotulus parliamenti regis Henricus VI (DS11075) (Q47327) (← links)
- Nobility (DS11082) (Q47348) (← links)
- Archeion; or of the highe courtes of justice in England (DS11116) (Q47450) (← links)
- The prince (DS11132) (Q47498) (← links)
- A booke of the coppies; of letters, libells & outher inventions of men (DS11133) (Q47501) (← links)
- The life and death of our saviour Jesus Christ; wrote very curiously (DS11164) (Q47594) (← links)
- Sinceri testimoni di vn cuore segace di belta incomparabile; dedicati all' illustrissima Signora mia Colendissima la Signora Claudia Del Bene (DS11207) (Q47723) (← links)
- Manual of ribbon weaving (DS11224) (Q47774) (← links)
- Inventories, mainly of livestock and furnishings (DS11934) (Q51167) (← links)
- Manorial accounts for Uggeshall, Sotterley, Ellough, and Willingham (Suffolk) (DS11935) (Q51170) (← links)
- Chancery bill (DS11968) (Q51269) (← links)
- Probate copy of a will, 1549 Nov. 15, of Robert Reade of Colby, County Norfolk (DS12314) (Q52752) (← links)
- Elizabethan records (DS12315) (Q52755) (← links)
- Works (DS12348) (Q52854) (← links)
- A brief discoverie of the estate of the kingdomes of Spayne and Portugall; viz. all the Kinges shipping ... all his forces ... all his cleargie and nobilitie ... all his provinces ... besides many... (DS12394) (Q52992) (← links)
- Indenture, 1593 Apr. 10, between Sir Walter Raleigh and John Fitzjames (DS12435) (Q53115) (← links)
- A dialogue on the maridge of Q[ueen] E[lizabeth] / (DS12469) (Q53217) (← links)
- Epistole sugli la morte ed miracoli di S. Gerolamo (DS12484) (Q53262) (← links)
- Compendium of biblical topics (DS12489) (Q53277) (← links)
- Indenture, 1591 Aug. 16, for the lease by Thomas Blount to Walter Chamberlain for 20 years of Ashley Wood Copse in the County of Somerset (DS12561) (Q53493) (← links)
- Obligation, 1571, of John Mathew (DS12587) (Q53571) (← links)
- Brut chronicle (DS12601) (Q53613) (← links)
- Warrant, 1594 Dec. 4, authorizing disbursement to furnish ships for Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins (DS12620) (Q53670) (← links)
- Household book of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey (DS12622) (Q53676) (← links)
- Account book, 1541-1595, kept by Humphrey Wellys, Staffordshire, England (DS12623) (Q53679) (← links)
- Account book, 1503-1573, for the household of Sir Gilbert Talbot of Grafton, Worcestershire, England (DS12624) (Q53682) (← links)
- The fall of princes (DS12643) (Q53739) (← links)
- Conveyances of land; Hampshire, England (DS12666) (Q53808) (← links)