

Historia de origine et processu urbis usque ad Carolum magnum extracta de Mari historiarum
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy--1450-1500
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--Italy--1450-1500
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Extent: 1 v. (186 leaves) ; 44 cm.
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Written in a humanistic script in brown ink by Giacomo Vallaresso (colophon: Hanc Cronicam pro quadam ocii voluptate manu propria scripsi ego Jacobus Vallaressus, Venetus, Apostolice sedis protonotarius, dum pro Sanctissimo Domino nostro Sixto Pontifice maximo arci Tifirnati preessem anno Domini 1478.). Written in Città di Castello, Italy.
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Titlepage has burnished gold initial, white-vine border and unidentified coat of arms, surmounted by black cardinal's hat; colored initials in red and blue at text divisions, and headings in pale red.
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Bound in 18th-cent. sprinkled brown sheep.
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In a tray case, 48 cm.
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Bequest of William K. Richardson, 1951.
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Belonged to Frederick North, Earl of Guilford; his sale (London, 1830); bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps (MS 7662); Richardson.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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