

Tractatus Sancti Augustini episcopi in epistolas Sancti Iohannis evangelistae de caritate
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In epistulam Ioannis ad Parthos tractatus decem
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Germany--1100-1150
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between 1100 and 1150
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Extent: 92 leaves, bound : vellum ; 25 cm.
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Written in a minuscule script in Germany, probably at the monastery of the Premonstratensian Canons of St. Peter at Weissenau near Ravensburg. One zoomorphic initial (f. 1r)
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In a 19th-cent. French morocco binding, possibly by Niedrée.
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In a tray case, 27 cm.
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Probably belonged to the Premonstratensian Abbey at Weissenau (inscribed, f. 1r: "Biblioth. Weissenau;" bookplate of Ambroise Firmin-Didot by 1850; his sale to Parisian bookseller Adolphe Labitte; bought by Caspar Renée Gregory in 1886; given by James Russell Lowell to Charles E. Norton on 24 Feb. 1886.
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Purchase, 1906.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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