

Septem psalmi penitentiales
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--England--1500-1550
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Extent: 1 v. (20 leaves) ; 13 cm.
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The Latin text is written in an italic hand in one column, 17 lines per page, initial letters in gold in the left margin.
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There are 3 full-page and 2 smaller illuminations in red, purple and gold.
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Written for Queen Elizabeth I (her monogram on f. 2r).
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The tailpiece on f. 20v gives the name of the scribe as "Petruccius Ubaldinus".
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Bound in 17th-century calf, stamped in blind and gilt.
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In a brown cloth tray case, 15 cm.
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Bookplate of Henry Huth.
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Purchased with the Duplicates fund, 1953.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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