

Novum Testamentum
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Germany--1250-1300
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Extent: 172 leaves, bound : vellum ; 52 x 19 cm.
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The biblical text is written in one narrow column in black ink, in two different gothic hands, the second one beginning on f. 124r. There are glosses (the glossa ordinaria) in minute writing between the lines and in the inner margin and at the foot of the page, as far as John 1; then between the lines only as far as John 17.
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Ff. 1r-2v contain a harmony of the gospels in the same minute hand as the glosses.
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Probably written in Germany.
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Initial letters are in blue and red with pen-work decoration.
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Bound by F. Bedford in brown morocco with blind tooling.
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In a tray case, 54 x 22 cm.
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Henry Huth (his bookplate; sale, lot 7383); Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth (sale, 1945, lot 2039); to William King Richardson. Presented by him in 1946.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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