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23 July 2024
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Comentum Macrobii Ambrosii in somnium Scipionis
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--Italy--1450-1500
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Extent: 111 leaves, bound : vellum ; 26 cm.
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Written in a humanistic hand in brown ink in one column. Many initial letters are illuminated, 2 with gilt and white-vine decoration. There are marginal diagrams in red and blue.
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There are 2 full-page miniatures in gold and colors (ff. 2v, 3r), both showing the celestial spheres.
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Contemporary binding in full leather, tooled in blind, over wooden boards. There were 2 clasps, now missing.
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In a tray case, 28 cm.
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Nicolai Briganti (16th or 17th century); Castellucci family (18th century). Purchased from Erwin Rosenthal with the Hofer fund, 1946.
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25 July 2024
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