

Institucion de la regla y hermandad de la Cofadria del Sanctissimo Sacramento
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--Spain--1500-1550
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Extent: 46 leaves, bound : vellum ; 26 cm.
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Written in a gothic rotunda hand in black and red, initial letters with pen-work decoration in red and blue.
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F. 1v: "Institucion de la Regla y hermandad dela cofadria del sanctissimo sacramento constituyda enla capilla de senor sant pedro dela sancta yglesia de toledo. Por la muy magnifica fenora dona theresa enrriquez. En el ano del nacimiento de nostro saluador ihu x de mill & quinientos & dos anos."
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F. 1v has a miniature showing the arms of the confraternity (the 5 wounds of Christ) and of Sra. Enriquez; f. 2v a full-page miniature of the Last Supper with border including the arms, crest and emblem of Queen Isabella the Catholic; f. 3r a cross with border including arms of the wounds of Christ and keys of St. Peter.
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Bound in 18th-century red morocco, gilt, with 2 clasps (one now missing).
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In a tray case, 28 cm.
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Deposited by Philip Hofer, 1967; bequeathed, 1984.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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