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23 July 2024
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Triumphs of the gentlewomen of Bologna
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--Italy--1550-1600
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Extent: 18 leaves, bound : vellum ; 23 cm.
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Title supplied by cataloger. According to the letter, the poem is the third canto of a longer poem. Cf. "Fine del terzo canto" (f. 18r).
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The poem begins "O che dolce gioir, che gran dolcezza, saria d'un huom ch'innamorato vive" and ends "Quando de le Sibille i ricchi fregi, i triomphi gl'honor, la gloria, e i pregi."
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The frontispiece is a colored drawing showing the three Graces and Mercury introducing the ten Sybils to Jupiter.
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Written in a calligraphic italic hand in brown ink.
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Bound in 17th-century vellum.
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In a tray case, 26 cm.
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Signatures of C. Bruscoli (dated Florence 1935) and G[iuseppe] Martini.
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Deposited by Philip Hofer, 1967; bequeathed, 1984.
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25 July 2024
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