

Expositio in artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis
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Monasterium sanctorum quadraginta martyrum (Treviso Italy)
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy--1400-1450
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Boethius, -524--Translations
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Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305. Isagoge
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Extent: 53 leaves, bound ; 31 cm.
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Title from old shelf list.
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Written in small cursive gothic script by two scribes, one identified as Johannes de Francia, from a convent in Thionville, France, then studying at Padua (dated colophon, f. 54v).
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With note on contents and transcription of colophon by Charles S. Peirce.
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In a 19th-cent. English half roan binding.
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Formerly owned by the Augustinian monastery of the Forty Martyrs, Treviso (f. 54v); Brother Jean de St.-Avold, near Thionville (f. 1).
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Gift of John Gage Marvin, 1844.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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