

Gospel lectionary for the mass
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Lectionarium missae
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy--1150-1200
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between 1150 and 1175
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Extent: 2, 87 leaves, bound : vellum ; 31 cm.
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The Latin text is written in a 12th-century Italian minuscule hand in one column in brown ink with rubrics and initial letters in the margin in red. Major feasts have larger geometric-style initials in colors.
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Ff. 1-2 are a later (13th-cent.) addition to the ms., containing prayers to the saints. These include Homobonus (f. 1v), patron saint of Cremona.
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Bound in 18th-century mottled calf, gilt
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In a tray case, 33 cm.
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Bookplate of Conte Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi.
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Shown in De Ricci as the property of Acton Griscom.
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Deposited by Philip Hofer, 1967; bequeathed, 1984.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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