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Four English devotional works.
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English literature--Middle English
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English literature--Middle English, 1100-1500
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English poetry--Middle English, 1100-1500
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Middle English, 1100-1500
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Middle English, passages in Latin
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[between 1400 and 1425]
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Extent: 159 leaves : parchment ; 387 x 254 (281 x 181) mm bound to 398 x 256 mm
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Ms. codex.
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Overall title from Zacour-Hirsch Catalogue.
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Incipit for the third work (f. 127v): Þis schort pistil þat folweþ is deuyded in sundrie maneris eche matere be hymself in titlys as þis kalendere makeþ mencioun ... Text begins on f. 128r: Here begynneþ þe book. In the begy[n]nyng and endyng of alle goode werkis ... Explicit (f. 145v): in help of þi selfe.
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Incipit for the fourth work (f. 147r): [Þ]e migt of þe fader almigty ... Explicit (f. 159v): Allas qwat schul þ[an] þei do / þat bene ifou[n]de i[n] syn / þ[a]t wold nougt he[m] self do ...
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Letter from Charles Cormersach to Lord Camoys laid into the manuscript; it is dated 18 November 1870 and discusses the last work in the manuscript. A copy of this letter is on file in the Library, along with other materials pertaining to this codex; the original letter has been cataloged and filed in the Library's Miscellaneous Manuscripts collection.
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Incipit for a short meditation on the five wits (senses) given as part of the preceding text (f. 145v): First kepe wel in þin herte alle þi wittis and þat is esy to do ... Explicit (f. 146v): On þis man[er] mayst þ[o]u kepe þe and þi fyue wittys fro synne and ocupie þe s[er]uyse of god and þ[er]to god geue þe grace. Amen. Explicit tractatus qui vocatur Amor dei. [Entire section is transcribed...
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Collation: 1-18⁸, 19⁶⁺¹, 20⁸.
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Foliation: Parchment, 159 + i; [1-159]; modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto.
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Layout: Written in 2 columns, predominantly 42 lines per column, with a few sections in 41 (f. 1r-22r, 145r-146v), 43 (f. 25r-32v, 4th gathering; 41r-48r, 6th gathering), and 45 (f. 152r-159v, last gathering) lines; frame-ruled in ink. First line of text above the top line in last work (f. 147r-159v).
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Script: Written in early 15th-century Anglicana script by 2 hands (f. 1-146, 147-159).
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Decoration: Red rubrics on folios 1-146, space left for capital initials which were not completed. Marginal drawing of a black swan (f. 114r).
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Binding: Late 15th-century calf, by the Virgin and Child binder, possibly active in Winchester (note by N. R. Ker pasted inside upper cover), rebacked. Upper cover detached, clasps missing.
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Origin: Written in England, early 15th century (Zacour-Hirsch).
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Imperfect, one quire missing at the front, probably at least one quire missing at the back.
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Incipit for the first work [incomplete] (f. 1r): ... [thon]kyn and louyn hym and geuen ... [Bk. 1, ch. 19]. Explicit (f. 77v): Vox domini preparantis seruos et reuelabit condensa et in templo eius omnis [sic] dicent gloriam. Ad quam nos perducat qui sine fine viuit et regnat. Amen.
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Incipit for the second work (f. 77v): Iste liber sequens primo fuit compositus in latino sermone per quemdam fratrem minorem Cardinalem nobilem doctorem Bonauenturam nomine postea translatus est in linguam anglicanam pro minoribus latinum non intelligentibus per quemdam canonicum Walterum Hilton nomine in amore dei valde deuotum ... Text begins on f. 78v: How a man schal have cristis passyoun...
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Front cover board detached, clasps missing.
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Appears in Maggs Bros. catalog 687 (March 1940), no. 170.
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Formerly owned by John Butlar, 1674 (f. 82v).
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Formerly owned by Thomas Stonor, third Lord Camoys, 1870 (bookplate).
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Sold by Maggs Bros., 1951.
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Formerly owned by Samuell Bouter, 17th century (inside back cover).
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Sold at auction at Sotheby's, 29 June 1938, lot 523.
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19 September 2023
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19 September 2023
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