

Scriptum super Sententiis
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This collection of English binding fragments was given to NYU by Homer Lewis Bartlett (1858-1940), who graduated in 1884 from NYU with a degree in Science and Civil Engineering; he married Clarice Sherman Noble in 1892; they had five children.
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by 1902, he was second vice-president of the Eastern District Savings Bank. De Ricci states that the collection (of 101 fragments with 70 others laid into the album) was given to NYU in 1884 (the same year in which Homer L. Bartlett graduated).
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Other decoration, ff. 1-2v: Blue initials with red flourishing; running headline in alternating red and blue.
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Script, ff. 1-2v: Gothic book hand.
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Bibliography: De Ricci, p. 1346.
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ff. 1-2v: Of the first leaf, only the inner column survives; the second leaf is essentially entire.
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ff. 1-2v: Latin.
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ff. 1-2v: 1-column leaf, f. 1: recto: Super Sent., lib. 4 d. 17 q. 1 a. 3 qc. 3 ad 1 through qc. 5 coj (this incipit/explicit reported below); on the verso: Super Sent., lib. 4 d. 17 q. 1 a. 4 qc. 3 ad 1 through 3, followed straight on by Super Sent., lib. 4 d. 17 q. 1 a. 5 qc. 1 arg. 1 through qc. 2 s. c. 1. No information on f. 2r-v.
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Incipit, ff. 1-2v: Ad quintam questionem dicendum, quod illa que per accidens se habent ad aliquid, non includuntur ab illo. Remissio autem culpe se habet accidentaliter ad gratie infusionem, quia accidit ex subiecto in quo culpam invenit, posset//.
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Explicit, ff. 1-2v: //cum actu fidei in iustificatione semper adiungitur actus caritatis; et his duobus anima Deo appropinquat. Non enim potest esse dubium . . .
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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