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Extent: ix+526+i; 147 x 100 mm bound to 153 x 117 mm; parchment
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Binding: Modern vellum soft cover (2006); former eighteenth-century English diced brown Russian leather binding separated from the manuscript
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Layout: Two columns of 42 lines; lead point ruling (prickings visible); written area: 98 x 68 mm
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Script: Gothic--textualis
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Decoration: Blue initials with red flourishes (two lines to twenty-eight lines) throughout; running titles and chapter numbers in alternating red and blue throughout; capitals highlighted in red and rubrication in red throughout
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Provenance: Thomas Dackomb (1556); Jacob Dackomb, Fens Melleus (1575); John Estmond (1627); given to Thomas Boult by William Churchill, bookseller, Dorchester (1657); Samuel Conant, Litchet (1719); Thomas Gardner, Southwold, Suffolk (1769); Thomas Barber, Norfolk (1770); obtained (1771) by John Ives; his sale, London (1777); William Wix, Islington (1792); Samuel Wix, Insworth, Essex (1860...
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Contributor: Karen Kirsheman
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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