

Bible, Epistles
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Extent: ii+180+ii; 140 x 88 mm bound to 146 x 97 mm; parchment
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Binding: Nineteenth-century dark blue morocco by Charles Lewis (died 1836) with gilt insignias of the Rev. T. Williams on front and back comers, gilt edges; stamped in gold on spine: S. PAULI EPISTOLAE. CODEX VETUST. SUPRA MEMBRANIS
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Layout: One column of twenty-two lines; lead-point ruling; written area: 98 x 60 mm
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Script: Bâtarde
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Decoration: One historiated initial with Saint Paul (fol. 1r); one six-line puzzle initial in red and blue (fol. 5v); one-line to five-line red or blue initials throughout; rubrication in red
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Provenance: Rev. T. Williams, sold (London, 1827, no. 656) to Cochran (cat. 1829, no. 13); D.S. Ker sale (London, Feb. 1. 1848, II, no. 1115); sold at Sotheby's (London, ca. 1900); W. J. Gilbert, St. Louis; his sale (Philadelphia, 7 June 1909, no. 249); John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
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Contributor: Karin Suni
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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