

Le chemin de paradis (The way to paradise)
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Missing leaves
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Middle French (ca. 1400-1600); Latin
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Extent: iii+186+iii; 275 x 195 mm bound to 290 x 215 mm; mixed
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Written in pencil is the comment, "An extremely important volume. The drawings represent the tapestry which Jean Germain, Bishop of Chalon, had made for his cathedral (? the prologue). It is therefore extremely curious and valuable for the history of early French tapestry. T??." On the back endpaper is written, "Collections sll. i10 ii-xiiii12 xv5
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Binding: Eighteenth-century brown calf over pasteboard; "CHEMIN DU PARAD[IS] PAR S. GERMAIN EVESQUE DE CHALONS. MANUSCRIT CURIEUX [P]AR SES MINIATURES DE 1380" stamped in gold on spine; Phillipps label 219 pasted on tail of spine
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Layout: One column of twenty to thirty-three lines; frame-ruled in lead; written area: 184 x 107 mm
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Script: Bâtarde
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Script: Gothic--textualis quadrata
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Decoration: Six double-page watercolor illustrations on parchment, depicting the procession of the Church Militant and interspersed to correspond with appropriate sections of the text; six large decorated initials in red, blue, and yellow at the openings of the first two parts (fols. 6r, 42r); large initials in red at the beginning of the remaining parts (fols. 94r, 108r, 142v); smaller...
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Related resource: Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, originated by C. U. Faye, continued and edited by W. H. Bond (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1962), p. 451, no. 21.
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Related resource: Moodey, Elizabeth J., "Unlikely Heroes in Jean Germain's Vision of Orthodoxy," Essays in Medieval Studies 29 (2014): pp. 106-109 (article pp. 103-112).
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Provenance: Early inscriptions crossed out (lower margins, fols. 72v and 168r); the name Jehan in lead (lower margin, fol. 77r); Sir Thomas Phillips (stamp on front flyleaf and number MS. 219 on flyleaf, inside front cover, and on label on tail of spine); acquired from H. P. Kraus, New York (cat. 75, no. 39); Free Library of Philadelphia; inscriptions on front endpaper include "160," "140...
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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