

Devotional extracts from the bible
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Extent: i+47+i; 125 x 76 mm bound to 134 x 80 mm; parchment
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The present manuscript contains the same selection of biblical excerpts as a vellum imprint, printed in Leipzig by Jacobs Berwaldts [Bärwald] Erben in 1581 (sole located printed copy: Paris, BnF, Vélins - 1790); there are initials in a rounded medallion placed in lower border of fols. 11v, 19v, 23v, 30v, 43v: initials B/V/E/S separated by a crossed candelabra and dagger; also found in the...
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Title-page (fol. 1r) includes the following text: "Warhafftiger Grunt und Zeugniis unsers Cristlichen Glaubens aus der Heiligen Schrifft des alten und newen Testaments trewelich unnd vleissig zussamen gezogen allen frommen Christen zu einer Lehr und Trost. Durch einen Hochgelerten der Heiligen Schrifft" [Authentic foundation and testimony of our Christian Faith taken from the Sacred Scripture...
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Binding: Contemporary panel-stamped and gold-tooled binding, likely made in Saxony, in the region of Leipzig or Wittenberg, during the last quarter of the sixteenth century (c. 1580); the center of each cover is impressed with a panel representing on the upper cover the Crucifixion (shown, unusually, with two disputing soldiers flanking Christ, the brazen serpent, and a seated unclothed man...
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Layout: One column of thirteen lines; written area: 93 x 53 mm
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Script: Gothic--Fraktur
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Decoration: Each devotional theme within the book is illustrated by a selection of biblical quotes and a woodcut (except the last two themes which have no woodcuts); in total, there are thirteen woodcuts, one less than in the printed vellum 1581 edition; the title page, text, and woodcuts are framed by four-sided woodcut borders, highlighted in similar colors as the woodcuts, with gold...
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Provenance: Germany, Saxony, likely Leipzig; unidentified nineteenth- or early twentieth-century French bookseller's description tipped in on the front flyleaf describing it as "Très curieux manuscrit en allemand..."; from the collection of the late William Stuart Spaulding, Jr. (died 1961), with his signature, and his wife Angèle Louise Maggi (1925-2005), of Boston and Gstaad, Switzerland...
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Nicholas Herman
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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