

Le Roman de Perceforest (The Romance of Perceforest)
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Extent: 247 x 343 mm; parchment
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Perceforest enthroned and surrounded by courtiers
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This page begins the second volume of the multivolume Le Roman de Perceforest, a prose romance originally written by an anonymous author in six books between 1330 and 1344. The titular hero of the narrative, Perceforest, was left in charge as ruler of Britain by Alexander the Great, where he introduced Christianity and created the chivalric order of Franc Palais, a company of exemplary knights.
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This cutting can be dated to ca. 1475.
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Script: Bastarda
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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