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Extent: 303 x 203 mm; parchment
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This image shows the opening of a bifolium with an historiated initial from a Bible. The verso contains passages from I Samuel 11:11- 13:2. The recto, opposite, contains passages from Ruth 2:11 - 4:1.
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This image shows part of a bifolium with an historiated initial from Bible. It contains passages from I Samuel 10:5 - 11:9.
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Lewis E M E M 43:3-6 are sister leaves. It appears that each bifolium was removed from the same Bible to be re-used as a folder to hold legal documents. The upside-down inscriptions at the bottoms of this bifolium and its sister leaves, all dating to the sixteenth century, make reference to sales and acquisitions between various parties, indicating that these bifolia might have been recycled...
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We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Roger S. Wieck in dating and localizing these leaves.
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Script: Rotunda
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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