

Compendium in Cantica canticorum
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The Abbey of St-Vaast in Arras; Sir Thomas Phillips (1792-1872), part of his MS 22229; from the collection of specimen leaves formed by Messrs. W.H. Robinson, who bought the residue of the Phillips Library in 1945-46, sold by them to George A. Poole in 1947, and acquired by the Lilly Library with the Poole Collection in 1958.
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Binding: Not bound, but attached to the stub of a ninetheeth-century parchment sheet ruled in red ink.
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Number of scribes, One leaf: One.
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Script, One leaf: Uncials; Caroline minuscule.
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Layout, One leaf: 2 columns, ruled in blind, 32 lines, each column 196 mm by 65 mm, with 7 mm between columns. Initial letters slightly enlarged and set into the margins.
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Manuscript note: Stained and wormed. Apparently part of the miscellaneous leaves cut from books in the new municipal library in Arras in 1810. It is the leaf now missing between f.2 and f.3 of Arras, Blbliothèque municpale, ms 1079 (Catalogue general IV, 1872, pp. 104-5, no. 235), which was listed at St-Vaast by 1628, when it was A.148 in the library catalogue. It is almost certainly the...
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Bibliography: Phillipps 1837-71, p. 413; Schenkl 1892, p. 147; faye and Bond 1962, p. 183; Bischoff 1998, p. 30, no.111.
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One leaf: The commentary written in the inner columns is in a Carolingian minuscule, the biblical lemmata in the outer columns in uncial.
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One leaf: Latin.
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One leaf: The present leaf, with commentary on the Song of Songs 1:8 to 2:4, corresponds to Migne PL 100:644-46. Only six other copies are recorded of Alcuin's compendium on the Song of Songs (Sharpe 1997, p. 37).
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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