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De arca Noe morali et mystica
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hugonis canonici sancti victoris parisiensis de archa noe pro archa sapientiae cum archa ecclesiae de arch matris gratiae liber primus incipit
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Letter to Hugh of St. Victor, refuting Arnulph
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Letter to Master William the monk on baptism
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Letter to all Christians on the mystery of the incarnation
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Earls of Hopetown, at Hopetown House, West Lothian, Scotland, and by descent to John Hope 860-1908, seventh earl, succeeded in 1873, created marquess of Linlithgow in 1902, first Governor General of Australia); his sale, Sotheby’s, 25 February 1889, lot 499, to Ridler; George Dunn (1865-1912); his sale, Sotheby’s, 11 February 1913, lot 535.
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to Maggs (their cat. 308, 1913, no. 76, and cat. 341, 1914, no. 235); Herschel V. Jones (1861-1928), of Minneapolis, MN; his sale, Anderson, New York, 29 January 1919, lot 1069a, to Martini, with his collation note; bought by C. L. Ricketts from Martini, cat. 15 (1919), no. 10a, and acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
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s. XII(med); 1140-1160
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s. XII(med); 1140-1160
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s. XII(med); 1140-1160
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Binding: Bound in early nineteenth-century mottled calf, red mottled edges, rebacked; in a fawn cloth case.
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Figurative details, ff. 1v-48v: 5 very large illuminated initials mostly in branching entwined plant stems and including heads of dragons (10-line on fol. 2r, 9-line on fols. 10r and 25r, 8-line on fol. 34v, but 20 lines high for the initial ‘I’ on fol. 16r).
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Other decoration, ff. 1v-48v: Headings in red or lines of colored capitals, 2-line initials throughout in red, blue or green, some with contrasting decoration.
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Script, ff. 1v-48v: Proto-gothic Textura.
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Layout, ff. 1v-48v: Collation: i#^8+1# [first leaf, now with text, originally a blank endleaf ], ii–v#^8#, vi#^7# [of 8, viii cancelled at end], text complete; ruled in plummet, 32 lines, two columns, each column 155 mm. by 42 mm. with 8 mm. between columns.
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Bibliography: De Ricci 1935, p. 646; Goy 1976, p. 216, no. 25; Alexander c. 2010, pp. 64-65.
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f. 1r: Latin.
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ff. 1v-48v: Latin.
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ff. 45v-48v: Latin.
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f. 1r: On the front flyleaf, fol. 1r, is an alphabet ‘a’-‘z’ with ‘&’, ‘÷’ and ‘amen’.
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ff. 1v-45r: The extant copies are listed in Goy 1976, pp. 212-45. The manuscript opens on fol. 2r, (Stegmüller no. 3791; Migne, PL 176: 617), with the heading on fol. 1v, continuing with books II (fol. 10r), III (fol. 16r) and IV (fol. 25r), followed by the De arca Noe mystica as book V on fol. 34v, Primum in planitie . . . (Stegmüller no. 3792; Migne, PL 176: 663), all ending with explicit on...
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Incipit, ff. 1v-45r: provocet, Sit dominus benedictus per cuncta seculorum secula, amen, Explicit.
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Explicit, ff. 1v-45r: Cum sederem aliquando in conventu.
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f. 45v: Migne, PL 186: 1052; reporting and refuting Arnolph, archdeacon of Seez, about Hugh's views on thehuman knowledge of Christ.
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Explicit, f. 45v: Hughoni sancti victoris priori, G salutem, dominus arnulfus sagiensis.
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f. 46r-v: d’Archéry 1723, III, p. 520, esp. I-II.
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Explicit, f. 46r-v: Magistro Gulielmo . . . Dixisti quod.
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f. 47r: d’Archéry 1723, III, p. 520, esp. I-II.
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Explicit, f. 47r: Gualterus omnibus in fide catholica.
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Incipit, f. 47r-48v: non esse creatorem aut eternum.
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Explicit, f. 47r-48v: Cum genus humanum in utraque natura.
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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