

de memoria et reminiscentia
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de somno et vigilia
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Explicit liber de memoria & reminiscentia. Incipit liber de sompno & vigilia
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Given to C. L. Ricketts in 1913 by Dr. B. L. Riese, of Chicago; acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
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s. XIII(4/4); 1275-1299
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Binding: Not bound.
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Figurative details, One leaf: A diagram in the outer margin of the recto with concentric triangles with their sides and corners numbered.
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Other decoration, One leaf: Running-titles in alternating red and blue capitals; a large initial ‘D’ on verso, 8-line, in divided red and blue with extensive penwork infill and full-length flourishing in both colors.
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Script, One leaf: Gothic Textura.
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Layout, One leaf: Apparently ruled in plummet (a fuzzy brown probably oxidised plummet rather than crayon), 32 lines, written-space 159 mm. by 100 mm., beginning below top ruled line; written in dark brown ink in a neat gothic textura, heading in red (and the guide words for the writer of the heading still present in cursive script at the extreme foot of the verso).
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Bibliography: De Ricci 1935, p. 650; Lacombe 1939, p. 248, no. 26; Kristeller 1990, p. 220.
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One leaf: Old folio number ‘18’ on recto; apparently once pasted down, perhaps for framing rather than for use in a binding.
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One leaf: Latin.
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1r-1v: (Lacombe 1939, p. 140, column 2).
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Incipit, 1r-1v: quam causam dictum est.
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Explicit, 1r-1v: Quo enim differet cum maiores intelligat.
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1v: (Lancombe 1939, p. 141, column 2, lines 1–20).
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Incipit, 1v: aut ab eventu.
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Explicit, 1v: De sompno autem.
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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