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In Sanskrit (Devanāgarī)
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Extent: 1 paper ; 10 x 18 cm
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Written 8-10 lines per leaf.
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Text in the form of a dialogue between Svayaṁbhū (Brahmā) and Yājñavalkya.
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Title from colophon. Listed in New Cat. Cat. as Gāyatrīhṛdaya(-Upaniṣad).
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Colophon (f. 11v): ity āha bhagavān yājñavalkyaḥ gāyatrīhṛdayaṁ sampūrṇaṁ
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Begins (f. 1v): śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ namaskṛtya bhagavān yājñavalkya svayaṁbhuvaṁ paripṛchati tan no brūhi bhagavān gāyatryutpatiṁ turiyaṁ śrotum ichāmi brahmajñānotpatiṁ prakṛtiṁ parīpṛchāmi śrībhagavān uvāca
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Ends (f. 11v): ya idaṁ nityam adhīyāno brāhmaṇāḥ prātaḥ śuciḥ sarvai pāpai pramucyate brahmaloke mahiyate
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Good condition. Mistakes crossed through, covered over with yellow, or blocked out or blotched out with black. Marginal and interlinear corrections and one marginal insertion.
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2 February 2024
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2 February 2024
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