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Extent: 1 paper ; 17 x 33 cm
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Colophon (Uttarakāṇḍa, primary text): iti śrīmadadhyātmarāmāyaṇe umāmaheśvarasaṃvāde uttarakāṃḍe navapaḥ sarga // 9 // (Part 7, f. 53r).
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Non-Latin script record.
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Author of commentary is Rāmavarmaṇ son of Himmativarmaṇ (Part 7, f. 53r)
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Mistakes covered over in yellow or blacked out; some corrections and additions in margins; significant syllables, words, or phrases highlighted in red throughout; vertical margins marked with double red line.
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Title from colophon of the Uttarakāṇḍa (f. 53r).
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Written in 7-12 lines per leaf.
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Colophon (Uttarakāṇḍa, commentary): iti śrīmatsakalarājavi[??]uddharaṇasamarthesādivirudāvaIīvirājamānasya himmativarmaṇaḥ / putrasya śrīrāmavarmaṇaḥ kṛtāvadhyātmarāmāyaṇasetau uttarakāṃḍe navamaḥ sargaḥ // 9 // cha // samāptaḥ śubham astu saṃ[vat] 18 // 57 // cha // (Part 7, f. 53r).
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Dated saṃvat 1877 (1820) and śaka 1725 (1803) (Part 1, f. 50r); and saṃvat 1857 (1800) (Part 7, f. 53). Dating is inconsistent, saṃvat 1877 is likely a mistake; the manuscript was likely written between 1800 and 1803 AD.
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327 leaves foliated (Part 1:) 1-47, (Part 2:) 1-50, (Part 3:) 1-37, (Part 4:) 1-39, (Part 5:) 1-24, (Part 6:) 1-77, (Part 7:) 1-53, upper left and lower right verso.
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Original recention of the text is from a family from Rajputana and was obtained from Jaipur state government in 1900 AD.
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2 February 2024
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2 February 2024
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