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Extent: 1 paper ; 14 x 31 cm
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Mistakes covered over in yellow or blacked out; some corrections and additions in margins; significant syllables, words, or phrases highlighted in red throughout.
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Watermarks of the date 1842 and a company name, possibly Lumsden, and the Britannia coat of arms.
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Dated after 1842 based on a watermark (f. 8).
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Title supplied by cataloger; title of commentary the Mahābhūtaviveka of the Tātparyabodhinī from colophon (f. 10r); alternate name of commentary Pañcadaśīprakāśikā supplied by cataloger.
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Written in 10 lines per leaf.
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10 leaves foliated 1-10, upper left and lower right verso.
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Colophon: iti śrīpatparamahaṃsaparivājakācārya śrī bhāratītIrthavidyāraṇyamunīśvaraśiṣyeṇarāmakṛṣṇākhyena viduṣāviracitāmahābhūtavivekasyatātparyasya dīpikā samāptā // 2 // rāmakṛṣṇa rāmakṛṣṇa rāmakṛṣṇa (f. 10r).
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2 February 2024
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2 February 2024
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