

Folio Bible, fragment
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Extent: ff. 2 : parchment ; 245 x 350 mm
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Title from printed catalog.
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Gothic.
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Layout: Tthe central bifolium of a quire; 19 long lines, ruled in plummet, the single vertical and horizontal bounding lines extending the full height and width of the page.
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Span folios: ff. 1-2v.
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May be somewhat earlier in date, to s. XIII ex. A protruding yellow leather marker is attached to the fore-edge next to the large initial.
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Assigned Date: s. XIV.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/2/2009.
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Probably written for a Benedictine house, as suggested by the Benedictine sub-division of Psalm 17 at 17:26 (cf. Rule of St Benedict, chapter XVIII). Inscribed in pencil twice with an American(?) dealer's price-code and price: "sas / 250." Inscribed "Transferred from R[are] B[ooks] stacks 2/23/65."
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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