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Extent: ff. 128 : parchment.
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Title from printed catalog.
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Assigned Date: s. XIV.
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Cursive gothic script.
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Layout: Quires 2-12 are numbered ii-xiij ("ix" is omitted) in the top left corner of the first recto. 27-32 long lines, ruled in brown ink, prickings frequently survive at the fore-edge.
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Span folios: ff. 1-128v.
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On f. 122v, scribal colophon: "Hic est plebanus sit omni tempore sanus / Et sua dilecta non sit a nulla despecta &c. / Anno domini Mo ccco Lx secundo in Crastino petri" (29 June, feast of Sts. Peter and Paul).
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Assigned Date: s. XIV3/4.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/2/2009.
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Inscribed, s. XV, "Iste liber est d(omi)ni Judoci Nusso(?) / pl(e)b(a)ni. In m[onas?]t Erewach(??) Et est / In ordine lib[rorum?] suorum" (front pastedown). John R. Peasley (d. 1998), of Redondo Beach, CA, who was reported in The Evansville [Indiana] Courier, 3 November, 1964, to have "picked up the battered book from the rubble of an old castle or manor house in southeast Germany", "early in...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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