

Devotions, in Dutch
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Dutch, with fragment of breviary in Latin
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between 1425 and 1450] ; between 1150 and 1199
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Extent: ff. i + 234 + i. : paper and parchment ; 145 x 105 mm
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Title from printed catalog.
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Support: Paper and Parchment.
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Script: Hybrida.
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Layout: Collation of the manuscript in its present order (for division of text into numbered articles, see the full description): 1-210 3-412 512(-10, 11) 610(-1) 7-810 9 (? ff. 84-86) 1010(-2) 1114(art. 3) 1216(+ 1, f. 110; art. 4) 1312(art. 5) 14-1510 168(-6, 7, 8, through f. 163) 17 (? ff. 164-166) 186(through f. 172) 1910(+ a gathering of 4 leaves, art. 9, inserted into the center of the...
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Watermark(s): Watermarks apparently Tête de boeuf and Raisin (but tightly bound)
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Decoration: Colored drawings in lower margins of ff. 22-53v.
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Date on f. 177v, "Ghemaect ende gheeyndet Int iaer ons heren M cccc ende xxxix op alre zielen dach." Rubrics throughout, long and frequently written in a littera textualis. Contemporary notes in dry point on ff. 226v-227, 228v.
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Assigned Date: s. XV2/4.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 11/24/2009.
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Written in the northeastern Netherlands, to judge from the Ripuarian linguistic elements in the text. Colophon on f. 177v gives completion date of that text on All Souls Day, 1439; other texts were written at approximately the same time. Ex libris notes, s. XV, on f. 234v, "dijt boeck hort tw inden mergaerd ende voert gemeijn susteren" and, in the same hand, "Mechtel pijls" (crossed out and...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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