

Works by Aegidius Romanus [i.e. Giles of Rome, Archbishop of Bourges] and Nicholas Trevet
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Grotesques--England--14th century
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Decorated initials--England--14th century
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between 1350 and 1399
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Extent: ff. ii + 198 + i + ii : parchment ; 245 x 345 mm
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Anglicana formata; Textura; glossing hand.
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Layout: 112(-1, 7) 2-312 412(-3) 5-812 912(the fifth and sixth bifolia were reversed at an early point; a leaf is missing at the end, possibly the 11th) 10-1612 1712(-11, 12). Catchwords in frames in lower right corner; 2 columns of 56 lines except for the main text of Boethius on ff. 105-192, written in 38 lines. Ruled in scratchy brown crayon with single bounding lines; pricking visible in...
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Other Decoration: Opening initial for art. 1 missing; ff. 31v and 60v, 8-line, parted red and blue, the first with a void leaf pattern against a solid red ground, the second against cross-hatching, both with extensive marginal penwork. Opening initial, f. 105, 6-line, parted red and blue with red cross-hatched void leaf design as infilling, similar cross-hatching on the extensions of the...
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On the first text, the running headlines added in a noting hand on the recto. The second text is broken into lettered sections for reference purposes, usually up to "g," but in the latter portions up to "n." Notes added, s. XV, on the back flyleaf, "In omni opere memento finis" and a 4-line note: "Omnibus enim non mea sompnia dicere possum..."
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Assigned Date: s. XIV2.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 1/21/2012.
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Apparently belonged to the house of the Boni Homines ("Bonshommes") at Ashridge. See Ker, MLGB , 4-5 , H. C. Schulz, "The Monastic Library and Scriptorium at Ashridge," HLQ 1 (1938) 305-11 , E. Searle, "The Calendar, Martyrology and Customal of the Boni Homines of Ashridge," Mediaeval Studies 23 (1961) 260-93 (which refers principally to EL 9 H 15, but gives a brief history of Ashridge), and...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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