

Satires by Persius and Juvenal
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Extent: ff. ii + 100 + ii : paper and parchment ; 155 x 211 mm
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Title supplied by cataloger.
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Support: Paper and Parchment.
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Script: Humanistic.
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Layout: Parchment prepared in the southern manner, used for outer bifolia of all quires and for the central bifolia of quires 1-5; at least ff. 6 and 13, palimpsest. 1-612 714 812 92. Catchwords written vertically along the inner bounding line. 24 lines of verse, ruled in dry point with double bounding lines, both vertical and horizontal.
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Watermark(s): Quires 1-5, Briquet, Lettre N 8440, Lucca 1451; remaining quires, Étoile, similar to Briquet 6027, Lucca 1457.
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Span folios: ff. 1-100v.
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Other Decoration: Space reserved for a 4-line opening initial, f. 1, and for other 2-line initials; versals slashed in pale red.
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Marginalia in at least 3 hands: the most extensive has been identified as that of John Gunthorpe; see Duke Humfrey and English Humanism in the Fifteenth Century, Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Bodleian Library Oxford (1970), n. 92. Gunthorpe wrote the notes in red ink throughout the book and a list of the muses on f. 17v: "Nomina Musarum novem, 1, Clio id est prima cogitatio discendi...
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Assigned Date: s. XV.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 1/22/2012.
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Belonged to John Gunthorpe, dean of Wells, who was in Italy in the early 1460s (d. 1498); later owned by "Heron," when it was possibly bound with a Horace. The ownership of Gunthorpe and "Heron" is attested to by a note on f. 100v: "iuvenalis olim gunthorpi vuelli quondam decani, nunc autem heroni." Three Bridgewater pressmarks in the upper margin of f. 1:"__?___3" and "X3," both in the hand...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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