

Pricke of Conscience
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Prick of conscience
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Compositor's copy (Printing)
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Christian life--Early works to 1800
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Extent: ff. 120 : parchment ; 160 x 235 mm
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Title from printed catalog.
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Sometimes attributed to Richard Rolle or Robert Grosseteste.
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Anglicana formata.
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Layout: 18(-1) 2-48 510 6-148 158(8 blank, now as pastedown). Catchwords, each with a red paragraph mark and many enclosed in a red or brown ink frame; quire and leaf signatures of letters and roman numerals through the first 5 quires. 28-35 lines of verse, ruled in lead; pricking visible on inner and outer margins of many leaves.
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Span folios: ff. 1-120v.
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Other Decoration: 4- to 2-line initials in red, without ornamentation; rubrics and Latin quotations in red.
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On f. 120v: an erasure, "explicit __?___," in the original hand; "Unto þat same ioye he//"; "Memorandum God and houre lady that best may sawe al marchaunts by nyght and be day and be ther sped amen quod Willme Smart" (see Hanna, "Addenda," n. 13); "Memorandum dum sumus in mondo [sic] vivamus corde Iocondum [sic]. Da bona cum tua sunt poste [sic] mortem Tunc tua non sunt, Smart." Early...
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Assigned Date: s. XIV/XV.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/14/2012.
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On f. 120v, "Iste liber partinet [sic] Willelmo Smart. Smart groser," with merchant's mark; William Smart became a freeman of the Company of Grocers of London in 1495 and warden of the Company in 1509. The manuscript was, at least temporarily during the 1530s, in hands of the printer, Robert Wyer. Acquired in 1772 by William Herbert (1718-95), as shown by his signature and date on f. 1 (the...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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