

Treatise on the government of France under Henry IV
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France--History--Henry IV, 1589-1610
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Extent: ff. 45 : paper ; 225 x 337 mm
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Title supplied by cataloger.
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Support: Paper.
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Script: Cursive.
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Layout: One gathering of 46 leaves, the last missing. Two systems of catchwords used, both sporadically: from verso to the facing recto, and from recto to its verso. 23-25 long lines ruled in lead and written above the top line up to f. 11, thereafter no longer ruled and lines per page vary 29-33; bounding lines in the second part formed by folding; throughout, large left-hand margins, and no...
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Watermark(s): Not in Briquet, but of the same type as Fleur de lis 7210.
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Assigned Date: s. XVIIin.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/29/2012.
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For provenance, see description of HM 772.
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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