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between 1300 and 1315
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Extent: ff. 196 : parchment ; 98 x 134 mm
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Title from printed catalog.
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Gothic.
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Layout: 18(+1) 2-38 48(-3 after f. 27) 58 68(-2 after f. 41) 7-128 132 14-258 264(-4). Quires and leaves signed with letters and roman numerals in red ink, visible in quires 4 (a) and 17 (b). 18 long lines, ruled in lead with double bounding lines to the left of the text; slash pricking in the 3 outer margins; double pricking marks at the penultimate line.
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Decoration: Full page historiated initial, f. 1v, of David playing his harp in the upper bowl of the B, and David slaying Goliath in the lower; initial itself in white-patterned pink, with "-eatus vir" in white capitals on the blue frame edged in gold. 8 other historiated initials, 10- to 8-line, in blue or pink on grounds of gold and the other color, with slightly cusped bar borders of both...
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Other Decoration: 3- and 2-line initials in gold infilled in pink or blue against a ground of the other color and bar border of gold and both colors; 1-line gold versals, placed outside written space, occasionally corrected by 1-line red initials in the margin.
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Small holes across the top of the leaves with historiated initials suggest former presence of sewn-in protective cloths.
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Assigned Date: s. XIVin.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/31/2012.
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Written in the beginning of the fourteenth century in Flanders, presumably for use in Ghent, to judge by the saints in the litany. Belonged to Herschel V. Jones (1861-1928) of Minneapolis; his sale, Anderson, New York, 29 January 1919, pt. II, n. 1070 to G. D. Smith. Date and source of acquisition by Henry E. Huntington unknown.
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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