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Latin poetry, Medieval and modern
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between 1385 and 1399
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Extent: ff. 282 : parchment ; 146 x 226 mm
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Verse commentary on the Bible by Peter Riga written in England at the end of the fourteenth century.
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ff. 1-282v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-2312 2412(-1 through 3 and 10 through 12). Quires signed in red roman numerals on the last leaf verso. 29 lines of verse. Ruled in lead with the top and bottom 2 horizontal rules full across; 3 vertical rules to the left of the text serve to separate the first letter of each verse from the rest of the line; in the lower and outer margins additional...
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Decoration: 2-line initials alternating in red and blue. Rubrics and arguments in long lines extending to narrow rules in the outer margin.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/23/2012.
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On f. i, "Liber magistri Willelmi Waverton Rectoris ecclesie de Tankerslay"; Waverton, a Queen's College "poor boy" in 1399, was rector of Tankersley in the West Riding of Yorkshire from 1420 until his death in 1440 (Emden, BRUO, 2000). 2 small parchment strips, 38 x 227 mm., from a deed relating to Yorkshire, 16th century[?], signed "J. Chenche" removed from previous binding and shelved...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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