

Selections from Opera medicinalia
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Opera medicinalia
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Materia medica--Early works to 1800
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Medicine--Early works to 1800
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between 1485 and 1499
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Extent: ff. 191 : paper ; 212 × 136 (125 × 80) mm
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Title supplied by cataloger.
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Selections from the Opera medicinalia of Pseudo-Mesuë (i.e. Johannes Mesuë the Younger, supposed to have been a Jacobite Christian living in the 10th cent., but now believed to been a Latin author of the early 13th cent. using the name Mesuë) written in Italy at the end of the fifteenth century.
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Span folios: 1-191. Support: Paper. Layout: 16 2-410 510(-6, after f. 41 with loss of text) 610 710(-a leaf in the second half of the quire; excised?) 8-910 2010(-8, 9, 10). Catchwords written vertically along inner bounding line. 2 columns of 26 lines faintly ruled in lead. Written in a running hand with humanistic forms; the first line of each chapter in an oversize gothic display script.
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Decoration: Opening initial, f. 7, 6-line, in gold on a parted dark pink and blue ground with a floral band border of vines and flowers the length of the text; opening initial of chapter list, f. 7v, 4-line, in gold with red flourishing and infilling; 3- and 2-line initials alternating red and light blue; initials within the text filled in yellow; rubrics; alternating red and blue paragraph marks.
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On ff. 8, 17, 49, in the upper margin, in a 16th cent. hand, "Iesus"; on f. 36 upside down in the lower margin, in a later (?) hand, "Al Molto Magnifico Signor."
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/23/2012.
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The ex libris of a sixteenth century owner has been cancelled on f. 7, but it appears to be the same name as on f. 6: "Ioannes Maglionus semper tenere cupit." Inscription on f. 3, in the same hand as the note on f. 36: "All Magnifico Signor Claudio et Claudina Maria." On the front pastedown, the armorial bookplate of Noel F. Barwell, with his motto "Non minus sed solus quam eum solus" and the...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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