

Institutiones grammaticae
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Copied at the Benedictine house of Lambach, in upper Austria. Armorial bookplate of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bart., of Rudding Park, Harrogate, Yorkshire. Acquired from H. P. Kraus, New York, in 1967.
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s. XII(3/4); 1150-1175
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Binding: Bound, s. XV#^ex# or XVI in German pigskin, blind stamped; binding lacks the metal bosses at corners and in center that would be typical of Lambach, nor are the stamps in K. Holter, Gutenberg Jahrbuch(1954) 280-289.
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Other decoration, ff. 1-119v: Rubrics, initials, words slashed through, all in red.
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Number of scribes, ff. 1-119v: Several.
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Script, ff. 1-119v: Late caroline minuscule.
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Layout, ff. 1-119v: 21 long lines, ruled in dry point; writing above top line. Gatherings 1-14 of 8 leaves plus f. 113; final quire of 6 leaves. Quire signatures as roman numerals on last leaf verso of the gathering.
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ff. 1-119v: See L Fagin Davis, The Gottschalk antiphonary : music and liturgy in twelfth-century Lambach(Cambrige University Press, 2000), pp. 32-33 and fig. 12 for Scribe "B."
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ff. 1-119v: Latin.
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ff. 1-118: Contains book 17-18, i.e. the so-called "Priscianus minor."
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Explicit, ff. 1-118: Quoniam inante expositis libris de partibus orationis in plerisque apollonii auctoritatem sumus secuti .
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Explicit, ff. 118-119v: Diptongus cuius figure? Composite. Unde componitur? Ex duobus corruptis.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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