

Beatiss[imae] Mariae Virg[inis] officium incip[it
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Book of hours
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy--1450-1500
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Manuscripts, Renaissance--Italy--1500-1550
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Extent: 2], 243 leaves, bound : vellum ; 14 cm.
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The Latin text is written in a humanistic roman hand with flourishes in brown and red, possibly by Alessandro da Verrazzano.
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There are 12 full-page miniatures, 1 historiated initial and 3/4 border, 16 large painted initials with part-borders, and many colored small initials. The miniatures may be by Attavante degli Attavanti.
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The arms of the Nasi and Salviati families of Florence appear on ff. 15v, 16a. A note in Italian on 2 leaves at the front explains that it was made for the marriage of Bernardo Nasi and Fiametta di Alamanno Salviati in 1515.
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Bound in 19th-century dark green velvet, edges gauffered.
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In a tray case, 19 cm.
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Henry D. Seymour, M.P., and Alfred Seymour, M.P. (stamp "AS" inside front board).
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Bequest of Philip Hofer, 1984.
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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