

Officium Beate Marie Virginis secundum consuetudinem Romane ecclesie
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Book of hours
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Italy--1450-1500
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Extent: 112 leaves, bound : vellum ; 17 cm.
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Written in an Italian gothic rotunda book hand in black and red in one column.
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There are 13 historiated initials, 11 of which are incorporated in foliate borders in colors and gold. There are many illuminated initials with pen-work decoration.
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Title from incipit, f. 7r, following the calendar (ff. 1r-6v).
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The scribe gives his name as Frater Novellus in a subscription on f. 112v.
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Bound in 19th-century vellum over boards.
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In a tray case, 19 cm.
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Deposited by Miss Clara Winthrop, 1968.
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Robert C. Winthrop (bookplate and signature on front pastedown); E. J. Hooker née Winthrop (signature and date 1858 below the bookplate).
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23 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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