

Bible (lectern)
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Extent: fols. 6; membrane; 353 x 265 (262 x 194)
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Layout: 2 columns, 53 lines
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Decoration: 1 6-line and 13 1-line initials in alternating red and blue marking the beginning of new chapters, with running titles and chapter numbers in red and capital letters throughout stroked in red
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Ruled in brown ink
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Textual corrections by erasure and marginal emendation
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Fol. 65.1: Quire mark in red ink at lower right corner of recto
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Fol. 65.2: 20 mm sewn tear in the vellum running diagonally between vertical rules of intercolumnar space in bottom margin
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Fol. 65.3: Erasure of a marginal nota bene mark in red
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Fol. 65.4: Catchwords in lower right corner of verso in brown ink
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Fol. 65.5: 24 mm sewn tear at middle of leaf
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Fol. 65.6: Quire mark in red at lower right corner of recto
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Provenance: 2 fols. donated by John Reiner (Columbus, OH) in 1981, and the remaining 4 donated by David Bee (Los Angeles, CA) in 1982
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Fol. 65.1: I Maccabees 5:44-7:7
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Fol. 65.2: I Maccabees 9:20-10:44
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Fol. 65.3: I Maccabees 10:44-11:51
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Fol. 65.4: I Maccabees 11:51-13:25
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Fol. 65.5: Acts 9:37-13:11
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Fol. 65.6: Hebrews 9:19-13:11
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Incipit: Fol. 65.1: et fanum succendit igni cum omnibus qui errant in ipso
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Fol. 65.2: omnis populis israhel planctu magno
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Fol. 65.3: racione regis et ad extruendos muros iherusalem et
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Fol. 65.4: habentes spolia multa . Et sedit Demetrius rex in
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Fol. 65.5: lavissent posuerunt eam in cenaculo . Cum autem propter esset
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Fol. 65.6: universo populo accipiens sanguinem vitulorum et hircorum
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Explicit: Fol. 65.1: et regionibus regis et puniit omnes amicos eius
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Fol. 65.2: Et edifi / candi vel restauranda opera sanctorum sumptus dabuntur de…
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Fol. 65.3: et nominate sunt in regno . Et regressi sunt in iherusalem
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Fol. 65.4: et accepit ossa ionathe fratris sui et sepelivit ea
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Fol. 65.5: solem usque ad tempus . Et confestim cecidit in eium caligo et
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Fol. 65.6: Quorum enim animalium infertur sanguis pro peccato in sancta
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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