

Bible (pocket)
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Extent: fols. 5; membrane; 179 x 118 (133 x 83)
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Layout: 2 columns, 53 lines
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Decoration: Numerous 2- and 4-line initials in alternating red and blue with contrasting penwork in red and blue trailing into the margins and intercolumnar space, running titles and chapter numbers in alternating red and blue characters, with capital letters stroked in red
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Faint ruling in plummet
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Substantial marginal glossing, references, and corrections, often with components stroked in red and signaled by tie-marks
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Pricking in the outer margins
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Small guide letters for larger initials at extreme edges of folios
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On fol. 90.5, beginning of Jeremiah 31 marked incorrectly at chapter 30:23
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Provenance: Donated by Charles Hoff in 1986, formerly Spec.Rare.CMS.113, I-10, 1986.848.001-005
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Fol. 90.1: Psalms 78:1-86:6
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Fol. 90.2: Psalms 86:7-91:16
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Fol. 90.3: Proverbs 1:33-6:24
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Fol. 90.4: Isaiah 11:11-16:13
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Fol. 90.5: Jeremiah 30:12-32:22
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Incipit: Fol. 90.1: posuerunt ierusalem in pomorum custodiam
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Fol. 90.2: …horum qui fuerunt in ea
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Fol. 90.3: audierit absque terrore requieret et
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Fol. 90.4: et ab ethiopia et ab elam et ab senaar
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Fol. 90.5: tua pessima plaga tua non est qui iudicet
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Explicit: Fol. 90.1: Domine narrabit in scripturis populorum et principium
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Fol. 90.2: Laus cantici David in die ante Sabbatum quanda fundata est terra
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Fol. 90.3: Vt custodiant te a muliere mala
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Fol. 90.4: Verbum quod locutus est dominus ad Moab
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Fol. 90.5: terrore magno et dedisti eis terram hanc quam
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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