

Noted Missal
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Extent: fols. 2; membrane; 307 x 212 (236 x 158)
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Layout: 1 column, Fol. 158.1: 14
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Layout: Fol. 158.2: 12 lines of text with 2 4-line musical staves
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Decoration: 4 2-line initials, 3 in red and 1 in blue, with contrasting penwork in violet and red, respectively. 1 multi-line (1 text and 1 staff) puzzle initial in red and blue with violet and red penwork embellishments. Prompts and rubrics in red
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Faint ruling in brown ink
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2 4-line musical staves in red with square notation on fol. 158.2v
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Foliated in medieval French numbering system at top right of each corner
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Recycled as book wrapper
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Bifolium accompanied by later paper folder with the heading "Ermlitzer Bücherei," followed by additional description of the fragment in German
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Four complete prayers for the dead and one chant with rubric stating it is to be chanted by the celebrant priest
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Incipit: Fidelium deus omni con / ditor et redemptor
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Explicit: Creator omni / um rerum deus qui me…
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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