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Extent: fols. 4; membrane; 330 x 243 (262 x 175)
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Layout: 1 column, 9 lines of text with 9 5-line staves
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Decoration: Numerous large initials ranging from 20-30 mm in height in either red or blue with contrasting penwork, at times quite ambitious; prompts and rubrics in red
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5-line musical staves in red with square notation
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Penwork decoration in southern Frnech style, though script shows Spanish hallmarks
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Liturgical cues and instructions enclosed in red-framed boxes
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The feast of the Crown of Thorns was instituted in the first half of the 13th century, becoming more widespread by 1239
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Incipit: Fol. 175.1: Si ambulem in medio umbre
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Fol. 175.2: Exaltabo te domine quoniam suscepisti
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Fol. 175.3: …tor meus deus meus adiutor meus
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Fol. 175.4: Surrexit dominus de sepulcro
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Explicit: Fol. 175.1: dicta sunt michi in domum domini
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Fol. 175.2: et mandatis tuis non obedivimus set da glo…
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Fol. 175.3: Ad te domine clamabo deus meus ne sileas
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Fol. 175.4: Iustorum anime
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Fol. 175.1: Chants and music for the third Saturday and fourth Sunday of Lent
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Fol. 175.2: Chants and music for Wednesday and Thursday in Holy Week
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Fol. 175.3: Chants and music for the fifth and sixth Sundays after Pentecost
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fol. 175.4: Chants and music for the Exaltation of the Cross, and the feasts of St. John before the Latin Gate (6 May) and Sts. Gordianus and Epimachus (10 May), and with an added observance in the lower margin of the recto for the feast of the Crown of Thorns (4 May)
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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