

Bible (portable)
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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 233 x 161 (147 x 101)
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Layout: 2 columns, 50 lines
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Decoration: 1 8-line, 1 5-line, and 3 2-line initials in burnished gold on pink and blue rounds with modest penwork highlights, and versal initials in alternating red and blue
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Ruled in plummet
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Marginal tie marks signalling textual insertions and corrections
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Occasional versal initial rendered in brown rather than red or blue
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Each versal initial in red or blue overwrites an earlier, much smaller, scribal guide letter in brown
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Psalm numbers written in margins in brown ink
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Provenance: Previously in the collection of William Chmurny
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Psalms 83:4-88:43
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Incipit: rex meus et deus meus Beati qui habitavit
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Explicit: eum . Letificasti omnes inimicos eius
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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