

Libri Quattuor Sententiarum
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Extent: fols. 2; membrane; 226 x 164 (102 x 67)
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Layout: 2 columns, 31 lines
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Decoration: Each folio includes 3 2-line initials in alternating red and blue with penwork in the contrasting color; fol. 291.1 includes 2 4-line initials in identical style
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Exceptionally wide exterior and lower margins to facilitate reader-added glossing
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Section numbers in small Arabic numerals in margins
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Provenance: Original codex formerly the property of the Convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Milan, Italy
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Provenance: Original codex sold at Sotheby's, 10 December 1980, lot 78
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Fol. 291.1: Bk. II, end of Dist. 43 (On obstinacy or despair) De peccato in spiritum sanctum, quod dicitur etiam peccatum ad mortem) and beginning of Dist. 44 (De potentia peccandi: an sit homini vel a se, vel a diabolo, vel a Deo), Ch.1 - Ch. 2.2
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Fol.291.2: Bk. IV, Dist. 3 (De baptismo), Ch. 7-11
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Incipit: Fol. 291.1: eiusque opera dicit esse beelzebub
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Fol. 291.2: potest in nomine trinitatis scilicet
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Explicit: Fol. 291.1: Si quid iussit curator / nunquid faciendum est si contra
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Fol. 291.2: per gloriam baptismi renovetur : quod sit de…
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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