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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 198 x 258 (162 x 228)
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Layout: Irregular columns, Irregular lines
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Decoration: 1 staff-high initial "K" in blue with simple contrasting penwork in red; 21 1- and 2-line alternating red and blue initials with contrasting penwork flourishes
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Recycled as a binding fragment consisting of the top half of a folio
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4-line musical staves in red with square notation
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A series of vocal and muscial parts invoking different saints, including Gabriel, All Saints, Anthony, Raphael, all holy confessors, Stephen, Mary Magdalene, Lawrence, Agnes, John the Batpist, Vincent, Agatha, all the patriarchs and prophets, all martyrs, the Holy Trinity, and the Virgin Mary.
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Also included are liturgical instructions in red in a long section of text at the top of the recto
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Incipit: Sce Gabriel ora pro nobis
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Explicit: Sca Maria ora pro nobis
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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