

Clerical register
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Extent: fols. 1; paper; 203 x 145 (156 x 78)
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Layout: 1 column, 34 lines
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Decoration: Opening initial of each churchman's name added in the interior margins, w/ occasional larger or flourished initial opening each new entry
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Portion of a watermark at the upper-inner corner of the folio, most closely resembling Briquet #3289 suggests a norther Italian origin for the paper and a late-14th century date
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Entries recording the reception of 15 church officials from various locations across Europe inducted as chaplains at the papal court (presumably Avignon). The names recorded are:
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Incipit: Die xxvi dicti mensis Januarii fuerunt / recepti in
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Explicit: lectorem fuit recepta in capitulum honoris
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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