

Summula pauperum
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Extent: fols. 2; membrane; 203 x 140 (148 x 60)
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Layout: 1 column, 20 lines
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Decoration: Three two-line initials in red, capitula marks and section headings in red, and versal initials stroked in red
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Bifolium recycled as a binding fragment, with one side largely obscured by binding residue.
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Multiple layers of substantial glossing, including interlinear comments and marginal comments in two different hands. Marginal glosses likely from the standard scholia composed by William of Rennes for the Summa de casibus conscientiae. Interlinear glosses are spontaneous reader-added annotations.
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Catchword present at the bottom of fol. 419.2v indicating that this was the outer bifolium of a quire.
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Text from the following sections: De sacramento, De menstruosis mulieribus, De statu sacerdotum, De sponsalibus
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Incipit: Fol. 419.1: Nullos crismabit
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Fol. 419.2: [heavily abraded text]
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Explicit: Fol. 419.1: [heavily abraded text]
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Fol. 419.2: hii lusores…
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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