

Summa Confessorum
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Extent: fols. 6; membrane; 370 x 290 (259 x 188)
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Layout: 2 columns, 51 lines
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Decoration: Two four-line puzzle initials in red or blue with elaborate penwork infill and marginal penwork extensions, alternating two-line red and blue initials with contrasting penwork, running heads in alternating red and blue initials, alternating red and blue paraphs, quotations underlined in red, and rubricated section headings
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Bifolium recycled as a binding fragment, with one side largely obscured by binding residue.
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Multiple layers of substantial glossing, including interlinear comments and marginal comments in two different hands.
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Provenance: A single leaf and part of another bifolium from the same parent codex were sold by Bloomsbury Auctions (London), 2 July 2019 lot 24
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Fol. 423.1: List of tituli and their chapters from Books I and II, including the end of the chapter list for Tit. VI (De schismaticis et ordinatis ab eis) through Book II, Tit. V (De raptoribus predonibus et incendiariis)
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Fol. 423.2: Text from the work's alphabetical tabula listing topics ranging from "beneficium" to "cognatio spiritualis"
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Fol. 423.3: Text from the work's alphabetical tabula listing subtopics related to the subject of excommunication
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Fol. 423.4: Text from Bk. II, Tit. V (De raptoribus predonibus incendiariis), Quaest. 155-163
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Fol. 423.5: Text from Bk. II, Tit. VII (De usuris), Quaest. 4-16
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Fol. 423.6: Text from Bk. III, Tit. XXXIII (De sententia precepti diffinitionis ex excommunicationis), Quaest. 217-228
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single text leaves from book III, a bifolium from book II, plus a single leaf with part of capitula lists for book I
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Each folio was recycled as components for later bindings, with occasional later (17th-century?) inscriptions in brown ink on various folios
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Occasional contemporary marginal corrections or comments
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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