

Missal (noted)
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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 353 x 274 (282 x 190)
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Layout: 2 columns, 6 lines of text and 6 musical staves
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Decoration: 3 1-line and 1-staff high initials in burnished gold on blue and pink grounds, 7 1-line and 1-staff high initials in brown ink with contrasting penwork in red, and rubrics in red
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Ruled in plummet and red ink
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Cockled and browned, with some loss of pigment and gold in the decorated initials
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4-line musical staves in red (28 mm) with square notation
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Multiple musical settings for the Pter Noster's recitation at Mass, with rubrics indicating the second setting can be used on feast days, in litanies, and in the Office of the Dead
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Incipit: hodie . Et dimitte nobis debita
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Explicit: da nobis hodie . Et dimitte nobis
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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