

Collection of works by Aristotle and commentaries on Aristotle's works
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Vellum bindings (Binding)
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Contemporary bindings (Binding)
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Manuscript waste (Binding)
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Categories (Philosophy)--Early works to 1800
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Language and languages--Philosophy--Early works to 1800
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Kansas--Lawrence
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Logic--Early works to 1800
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[between 1301 and 1400]
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Extent: 34 leaves : parchment, illuminations ; 211 x 153 (127 x 77) mm bound to 215 x 160 mm
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parchment, illuminations
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Title devised by cataloger.
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Manuscript codex
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Collation: ii (parchment, reused) + 34 (parchment) + ii (parchment, reused): 1-2¹⁰ + 3¹² + 4² (1 and 2 are singletons).
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Foliation: Unfoliated. Foliation supplied by cataloger.
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Catchwords: Decorated horizontal catchwords to the right of center on folios 10v, 20v, 32v.
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Layout: Written in 31 long lines, below top line. Ruled in lead, with double vertical bounding lines.
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Script: Written by a Robertus in Gothic rotunda.
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Decoration: Drawings of fish and birds in lower margins on folios 9r, 10v, 11r, 20v; 6- line initial C in blue and red on folio 1r; 2- and 3-line initials throughout in two different kinds of plain red, some of which are embellished with pen decorations in blue or brown; paragraph marks in blue and red or in plain red; running title "p[er] germinias" in red in capital letters in upper margin...
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Music: Front flyleaves contain neumatic notation on a one-line staff in red.
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Binding: Contemporary, possibly original. Parchment case binding made up of a reused bifolium with split laced double sewing supports made out of alum-tawed leather. Some of the sewing supports are broken off and missing.
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Origin: Written by a Robertus probably in Italy in the fourteenth century: "Robertus nomine scripsit" -- colophon, folio 34r.
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Shelfmark: Lawrence, University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, MS C189
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The cover, the front flyleaves and the back flyleaves of MS C189 are made up of repurposed parchment leaves from three different manuscripts: a bifolium is used for the cover and two folios folded in half are used as flyleaves at the front and back.
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The repurposed parchment bifolium used for the cover likely comes from a homiliary, probably dated to the second half of the eleventh century. It contains Isidore of Seville's Sententiae, Book 10.11 "De angelis" and a sermon titled "De misericordia" attributed to John Chrysostom, also known by its opening words, "Tria sunt quae in misericordiae opera." The upper margin of the bifolium (now the...
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The repurposed parchment folio used for the front flyleaves likely comes from an antiphonary, probably dated to the first half of the twelfth century. It contains John 6:1-14 and the following chants: "Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae si averteris faciem tuam" [Cantus ID: 005236]; "Aperiam in parabolis os meum loquar propositiones" [Cantus ID: g01030b]; "Adduxi vos per desertum...
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The repurposed parchment folio used for the back flyleaves likely comes from a breviary, probably dated to the first half of the twelfth century. It contains readings associated with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday of the Christian Holy Week. The recto side (now the recto side of the first back flyleaf and the verso side of the second back flyleaf) contains: Hosea 6:5-6 ("[incipit] [do]lui...
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In fragile condition, with extensive water damage that caused yellowing and staining of the leaves throughout the manuscript. Ink is abraded, with text illegible at places. Tears and holes with loss of text on several folios. Only the third quire is in relatively better condition. Minor imperfections and signs of early repairs on parchment of the textblock. The repurposed parchment leaves used...
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Early history of the manuscript is unknown. From the collection of Alpha Loretta Owens, who purchased the manuscript sometime before 1935, probably in one of her visits to Europe. Listed as no. 1 under "The Library of Miss Alpha Loretta Owens, Barboursville, West Virginia" in the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada.
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5 September 2023
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5 September 2023
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